kimkat1731e A Welsh to English Dictionary in
scroll-down format. Geiriadur Cymraeg a Saesneg ar fformat sgrolio-i-lawr.
Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia |
W, w ‹uu› feminine
twenty-third letter of the twenty-six letter Roman alphabet
a, 2
b, 3
c, 4
d 5
2) twenty-eighth letter of the
twenty-nine letter Welsh alphabet
...1 a,
2 b,
3 c,
4 ch,
5 d,
6 dd
7 e,
w < British o (cognate words in Irish retain the o)
cwrw [ˡku·rʊ] < cwrwf [ˡku?rʊv] < *cwryf [ˡku?rɪv] < *cwrf [kʊrv] < British *kurm < *korm
bwlch (=
gap) < British *bulk < *bolk
llwm (=
bare, barren) < *lum- < *lom- (Irish lomm = bare
1 w < wy in a final syllable
The reduction of a diphthong to a vowel in a final syllable is a common feature
in colloquial Welsh. Examples of the reduction of wy ‹ui› to w ‹u› are:
..a/ annwl < annwyl (= dear)
..b/ *Arw This pronunciation of the
river name Arwy seems no longer to
be in use, but the English name of the river “Arrow” shows that at one time it
would have been pronounced so.
..c/ Ebw < Ebwy (river name, south-east Wales. The colloquial form is found in
the English name Ebbw Vale, a former steel town on this river, with erroneous
spelling with double ‘b’ Ebbw (an erroneous nineteenth-century
Welsh spelling, when the unnecessary doubling of consonants was in vogue –
other examples are Cymmer instead of Cymer (= confluence),
coppa for copa (= summit))
. The Welsh name is Glynebwy – in fact a translation of the English name, the
original Welsh name being Pen-y-cae
(standard form) / “Pen-cää” (local
form) (spelt usually Pe-câ, Pen-cê)
..d/ Fanw < Myfanwy (woman’s name) (with the loss of the first syllable, also a
common feature of colloquial Welsh)
..e/ *Mynw This pronunciation of the
river name Mynwy is no longer in
use, but the English name of the river “Monnow” shows that at one time it would
have been pronounced so
..f/ ofnadw < ofnadwy (= terrible)
Literary Welsh prefers the forms without reduction.
Sometimes there is hypercorrection – a word with an original final w is thought to be a reduced form, and wy replaces it – that is, a supposed
change (*wy > w)
is reversed (w > wy).
..a/ Maelgwn (name of a king of
Gwynedd, died 547) > Maelgwyn.
This mistaken ‘restoration’ of the diphthong would have seemed justified too
because a name with an opaque meaning (mael
= lord, -gwn has no apparent
meaning) became meaningful (mael =
lord, gwyn = white / white-haired /
1 w < wy
in the tonic syllable
..a/ cwmpo (colloquial form in the South) < cwympo (= to fall)
..b/ hwdu (colloquial form) < chwydu
(= to vomit)
..c/ gwbod (colloquial form) < gwybod
(= to know)
d/ gwndwn A form of gwyndwn (qv) (=
layland, hay meadow) < gwyndon
(gwyn = white) + soft mutation + (ton = meadow) (The standard
form gwyndwn shows a change of final o > w)
See the entry -wy-
1 w < yw in the tonic syllable
..a/ cywarch <KƏ-warkh> [ˡkəwarx] (= hemp)
> c?arch <KUU-arkh> [ˡku?arx]
..b/ tywyll <TƏ-wilh> [ˡtəwɪ?] (= dark)
> t?yll <TUU-ilh> [ˡtuɪ?]
w < f
[w] < [v]
Corwen < Corfen < Corfaen
Merthyr | myfor > *Merthyr | mywor > *Merthyr | mowor > Merthyr |
mowr > Merthyr-mawr
Llanddowrwr < Llanddyfrwr
Owrtyn (= English Overton), SJ4241 county of
picwarch < *picworch? < *picforch? < English *pitchvork < pitchfork
Tudweiliog < Tudfeiliog
Ynysawdre (qv) Local form: Y Snawdra. A locality in the county
of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
“ynys Hafdref”, “(the) meadow (of the place called) Hafdre”; hafdre (=
summer homestead), with a later changer of [v] > [w] hawdre
w > f
[w] > [v]
Ieuan > Iewan > Iefan > Efan /
ieuanc > iewanc > iefanc > ifanc
The sequence w-w becomes y-y in certain derivative forms,
generally plurals or verbs
..1/ In some cases he singular w-w has resulted
from the original sequence y-w; see following section)
..2/ In cwlwm (= knot), the first w is original, and the second is
an epenthetic vowel: cwlm > cwlwm; also clwstr (= cluster) > clwstwr.
..3/ Onomatopeia: bwrlwm
cwmwl (= cloud), cymylau (=clouds), cymylu (= to get cloudy)
cwlwm (= knot), cylymau (= knots), cylymu (= to knot) (generally c’lymau, c’lymu)
cwmwd (= kúmmud, medieval administrative district), cymydau (= kúmmuds)
clwstwr (= cluster), clystyrau (= clusters), clystyru (= to cluster)
bwrlwm (= bubbling, bustle), byrlymau (= bubbles), byrlymu (= to effervesce, to bubble, to
be bustling)
mwgwd (= mask), mygydau (= masks)
mwnwgl (obsolete) (= neck), mynyglau (= necks)
The sequence y-w becomes w-w in some words
y dydd hwn (this day > older Welsh dythwn > dwthwn (obsolete; = day)
older Welsh cymwl > cwmwl (= cloud)
older Welsh cymwd > cwmwd (= neighbourhood)
older Welsh mynwgl > mwnwgl (obsolete; = neck)
South Wales cymwys (fitting, exact) > cymws > cwmws
w ‹-›
Final -w in modern Welsh was formerly
consonantal until the early modern period; it has become a vowel in modern
(delwedd 7370)
This was especially the case with monosyllables ending in -d, -dd, -n, -l, -r, -s, which are now disyllables
(1) The consonantal w reemerges in
derivative forms
..01/ bedw birch trees, bedwen
a birch tree
..02/ berw ‹bee-ru› (= to boil), berwais ‹ber-wes› (= I boiled)
..03/ derw oak trees, derwen
an oak tree
..04/ cadw ‹kaa-du› (= to keep), cedwais ‹ked-wes› (= I kept)
..05/ delw ‹dee-lu› (= image), delwau ‹del-we› (= images)
..06/ galw ‹gaa-lu› (= to call), galwais ‹gal-wes› (= I called)
..07/ garw ‹gaa-ru› (= rough), geirwon ‹geir-won› (= rough, plural form)
..08/ llanw ‹lhea-nu› (= to fill), llenwais ‹lhen-wes› (= I filled)
..09/ marw ‹maa-ru› (= dead), meirwon ‹meir-won› (= dead, plural form)
..10/ masw ‹ma-su› (= obscene, licentious), maswedd ‹mas-wedh› (= obscenity)
..11/ meddw ‹mee-dhu› (= drunk), meddwon ‹medh-won› (= drunks)
..12/ tarw ‹taa-ru› (= bull), tarwod ‹tar-wod› (= bulls; a variant
plural form in the south-west instead of the usual teirw)
(2) in polysyllables, final -w
tended to fall away after l, n, and
especially r
..1/ Amanw (river name) now Aman ‹a-man›
..2/ arddelw (= to claim), now arddel ‹ar-dhel›
(delwedd = image)
..3/ buddelw (= post to which a cow
is tied in a cowhouse), now buddel ‹bî-dhel›
(bu = cow) + soft mutation +
(delwedd = stake, post; image, idol)
..4/ cannerw (= one hunded acres),
found in field names as canner ‹ka-ner›
(erw = acre)
..5/ cefnderw (= male cousin), now cefnder, ce'nder ‹ken-der›
(derw = true)
..6/ chwecherw (= six acres), found
in field names as chwecher ‹khwê-kher›
(and thus for other number + erw
compounds in field names)
(erw = acre)
..7/ cyflwrw (= condition), now cyflwr ‹kəv-vlur›
(llwrw = path, form)
..8/ cyfnitherw (= female cousin),
now cyfnither, c'nither ‹knî-ther›
(derw = true)
..9/ cyfyrderw (= second cousin),
now cyfyrder ‹kə-vər-der›
(derw = true)
..10/ delw (= statue) > del
(= adj; hard, obstinate) > del (= nice) (North Wales)
..11/ diarddelw (= to repudiate,
disown), now diarddel ‹di-ar-dhel›
(arddelw = to recognise,
acknowledge, defend)
..12/ dylanw (= sea, wave), now Dylan (name of a sea god; nowadays
commonly used as a first name, Dylan Thomas (English-language poet 1914-1953)
being the first example of this)
(llanw = tide, sea)
..13/ gorllanw > gorllan (North Wales) high tide
(gor- = big, llanw = tide)
..14/ Hirael (place name, Bangor, North Wales)
The original name was hir erw (long acre, long field) (hir = long) + (erw = acre)
Hirerw > Hirer > (through dissimilation) Hirel > present-day Hirael
See the entry Hirael for more information
..15/ Ogfanw (river name) now Ogwan / Ogwen ‹o-gwan, o-gwen›
..16/ pumerw (= five acres), found
in field names as pumer ‹pi-mer›
(erw = acre)
..17/ syberw (= neat, tidy), now syber
(from *syberf < Latin superbus)
..18/ teirerw (= three acres), found
in field names as teirer ‹tei-rer›
(erw = acre)
In derivatives, the -w reemerges as
a consonant
cefnderwedd, ce'nderwedd ‹ken-der-wedh› (= cousins)
dylanwad ‹də-lan-wad› (= influence)
(4) There is metathesis in:
gwarchadw > gwarchawd > gwarchod
(= look after)
(based on cadw = to keep)
(gwar- a form of the prefix gor-),
+ spirant mutaction + (cadw)
(5) in polysyllables, between consonants, w
is often elided, though it may still be present in the spelling
..1/ bedwlwyn ‹bed-luin›
(= birch wood), in place names sometimes spelt bedlwyn
..2/ Derwfael ‹der-vail›
(= man's name), now Derfael, Derfel
(derw = true, mael = prince, leader)
..3/ derwgoed ‹der-goid›
(= oak wood), in place names sometimes spelt dergoed
..4/ derwlwyn ‹der-luin›
(= oak wood), in place names sometimes spelt derlwyn
..5/ Garnant ‹GAR-nant› < garw
nant (= turbulent stream; same as nant garw)
..6/ meddwdod ‹medh-dod›
(= drunkenness), sometimes spelt medd-dod
(4) There is the loss of a final "w" in a handful of words after the
vowel ‹i› (“i”) or similar (“y”)
(a) After “i”
1/...............eli (= ointment)
(historically eliw < Latin olivum = oil)
2/...The southern colloquial form of heddiw
(= today) > heddi, 'eddi
3/...............lleisi (= lye)
(historically lleisiw)
4/...............tanlli (=
flame-coloured) (historically tanlliw)
(tân = fire, lliw = color / colour)
5/ Llanelli < Llanelliw (= church of Elliw)
(b) After “y”:
...(i) dwy (an obsolete word = god)
< dwyw. Modern Welsh duw (= god) is also from dwyw, by a different route
...(ii) ydyw = is> ydy > ydi > ’di
...(iv) in the place name
Pilgwenlli (“tidal inlet (in the parish) (of) Gwynllyw”) (Casnewydd / Newport)
(possible development of this name: pil Gwenlli < pil Gwenlly < pil
Gwenllyw < pil Gwynllyw
(pil = tidal inlet) + (Gwynllyw = name of a saint)
(Englished as “Pillgwenlly”)
1 Pil Gwynlliw [pi:lˈgwənɬɪʊ]
2 Pil Gwenlliw [pi:lˈgwɛnɬɪʊ] ([wə] becomes [wɛ]; cf the place name Gwenddwr < Gwynddwr;
3 Pilgwenllyw [pɪlˈgwɛnɬɪʊ] (long “i” becomes short before the tonic syllable; cf Tâl-y-bont >
Tal-y-bont []
4 Pilgwenlly [pɪlˈgwɛnɬɪ] loss of final [ʊ]
5 Pilgwenlli [pɪlˈgwɛnɬɪ] altered orthography
Pil however may have had an original short vowel [pɪl]. It
occurs in Welsh place names usually with a short vowel, but is a long vowel in
some names e.g. Y Pîl (Englished as Pyle)
Final w seems to give –ow in English in certain cases
(ap) Goronwy (patronymic) > G’ronwy > Gronw > English Gronow (surname)
Mynwy (river name) > Mynw? > English Monw? > English Monnow
Arwy (river name) > Arw? > English Arrow
Ebwy (river name) > Ebw > English Ebbw (sometimes as Ebbow)
w [u] < wy [ui] in a
penultimate syllable
Hafodwynog (“summer place for
lambs”) > Hafodw’nog / Hafodwnog
gwybod > gw’bod /
Llanwyndaf (llan + Gwyndaf) > Llanwnda
2 w [u] < y
[wi] in a penultimate syllable
Llanynnog > Llanwnnog
A form of gyndwn (qv) (= layland, hay meadow) < g
(gwyn = white) + soft mutation +
(ton = meadow)
(The standard form gyndwn
shows a change of final o
> w)
w in a final syllable from o
In the south-east there are a few
examples of this
Talwg ‹taa -lug›
1 The change -og > -wg
in the south-west is also to be seen in the stream name Nant Talwg in Y
Barri (county of Bro Morgannwg). The stream name is taken from the name of a
ford which was Rhy’ Talwg < Rhy’ Talog < Rhyd Halog
(= dirty ford / muddy ford)
(There is devoicing of d before h, and the h is lost (d +
h) + (t) )
< Llangadog (also with a change typical of the south-east - d
as the initial consonant of the final syllable > t
Also possibly Tyfodwg, name of a
saint, one of the three saints to whom the church at nearby Llantrisant
(south-east Wales) is dedicated – the other two saints are Illtud and Gwynno;
and the valley of Ystrad Dyfodwg and the village of the same name
(Ystradyfodwg < Ystrad-dyfodwg)
Also the territorial suffix -wg > og
Morgannwg < Morgannog, Seisyllwg < Seisyllog, Rheinwg < Rheinog,
Gwynllw^g < Gwynllwyog
Cf Northern Tudweiliog, Ffestiniog
And in other parts of Wales:
A form of gwyndwn (qv) (=
layland, hay meadow) < gwyndon
(gwyn = white) + soft mutation + (ton = meadow) (The standard
form gwyndwn shows a change of final o > w)
parrwg (Morgannwg / Gllamorgan) (= field) <
parrog English “parrock” (= field)
Morgannwg <
Cardiff Times. 24-03-1894. Welsh Tit-bits. Cadrawd. Hamon Corbulensis, sone to Earle of Corbulensis. Robert Fitzhamon, his
sone, Lord of Glamorgan and Morganog. Mabell, as some called Sybill Fitzhamon,
da[ughter]. and sole h[eir]. of Robert Fitzhamon.
Glyncorrwg < Glyncorrog
Ystradyfodwg < Ystrad Dyfodog
otherwise YSTRAD-DYVODWG (YSTRAD-DYFODWG), a parish, divided into the two
townships of Ystrad-Dyvodog and Rhigos.
A Topographical
Dictionary of Wales. Samuel Lewis. London. 1849.
penult w replacing penult y
In southern Welsh, a w is sometimes present colloquially instead of standard y
[ˡ] (compare the use of i instead of standard y [ˡ] ). This is
especially so in the county of Penfro / Pembroke
bwlch, bylchau (gap, pass; gaps, passes) > (South-east) bwlch, bwlcha
Cymráeg > (South Wales) Cwmráag
byrlymu (to bubble, effervesce, gurgle), South: bwrlymu
1 the grave accent indicates a short vowel where in
a long vowel environment
The ‘a’ in monosyllables in Welsh with final –b, -d, -g is long
mwg ‹muug› smoke
rhwd ‹hruud› rust
However English words taken into Welsh
with the same pattern (monosyllables, final consonant g, b, d) but with a short
vowel retain the short vowel in Welsh.
clẁb club
tẁb tub
1 w < English o in the
tonic syllable
..1/ cwt (= cot, cottage, hut,
hutch) < cot (= cottage, small
..2/ bwrdd (= table) < *bordd < an Old English form of board (= table, board)
..3/ ffwrdd (in the expression i ffwrdd away, “to (the) road”) < ffordd (= road) < ford (= road in Old English, ford in
modern English)
..4/ ffwrdo (= to afford, to have
enough money to buy (something), < fforddio
(= same meaning) < English afford
(= same meaning)
TONIC y [wɪ] > w [u]
A form of gyndwn (qv) (= layland, hay meadow) <
yndon (gwyn
= white) + soft mutation + (ton = meadow) (The standard form g
yndwn shows a
change of final o > w)
w in monosyllables
drws <DRUUS> [dru:s] (= door)
Caer-sws <kair-SUUS> [kaɪr ˡ su:s]
village in Powys, mid-Wales
Y Rhws <ə HRUUS> [ə ˡhru:s] village in Bro Morgannwg, South Wales
If the vowel is short, in theory it should be
marked as such with a grave accent
sẁs <SUS> [sʊs] (North Wales) a kiss
bẁs <BUS> [bʊs] bus
w ‹u›
South Wales
‘man’ - in conversation, a form of address used when speaking to both men and
Dewch miwn w! Dewch miwn! Come in,
mun! Come in!
Bachan, siarada sens, w. Talk sense, mun! (bachan = man. boy, not translated into
Wir w! honestly, mun! (= what I’m
telling you is true, even though you might not believe it)
Ia w. Yes, mun
Grêt w! Great, mun
ETYMOLOGY: w < w^r < gw^r (= man)
(1) wr is the soft-mutated form
(initial g > zero); the soft
mutation denotes a vocative form
(2) loss of the final r (an unusual
occurrence in Welsh)
NOTE: The characteristic mun (= man)
in the Cambrian English of the South is possibly a translation of Welsh wr or w
(’E do live down in Ponty, mun = he lives down in Pont-ty-pridd, man)
If not, it is an importation from south-eest England, and is independent
(or reinforced by) Welsh w:
The West Somerset Word-Book of Dialectal and Archaic Words and Phrases Used in the West of Somerset and East Devon. / Frederick Thomas Elworthy / 1886.
“MUN [mun, m'n]. Man. Very commonly used in speaking to either sex, and by women talking to each other. Its use implies extreme familiarity, and usually altercation or threat.
I tell thee what 'tis, mun! thy man 'ud gee it to thee, nif I was vor to tell'n hot I zeed.
Ay, and zo wou'd tha young George Vuzz, mun, &c. Ex. Scold. 1. 55.
Andrew (to Margery]. Why, 'twas oil about thee, mun. Ib. 1. 335.”
(= I tell you what it is, man! your man would give it to you if I was for to tell him what I seed (I saw). Aye, and so would that young George Fuzz, man.)
(= Why, it was all about you, man)
wà ‹wa›
North Wales
(address) mate
ETYMOLOGY: wà < wàs ‹was›
< was ‹waas›,
vocative form (with soft mutation) of gwas
‹gwaas› = (older Welsh) boy; (modern Welsh)
NOTE: also wàs, wash i
wachal ‹wâ -khal› verb
South-west Wales
avoid!, beware!, shun!
See: gochel = evitar
wachla ‹wakh -la› verb
South-west Wales
avoid!, beware!, shun!
See: gochel = evitar
wachlwch ‹wakh -lukh› verb
South-west Wales
avoid!, beware!, shun!
See: gochel = evitar
waeth ‹WAITH› adj
soft-mutated form of gwaeth
= worse
1 ni waeth, or waeth... no matter... (the negative particle ni
is dropped in colloquial Welsh)
(ni) waeth beth... whatever..., no matter what...
(ni) waeth beth fo’r gost whatever the cost, no
matter what the cost may be evitar
(ni) waeth
pryd... whenever..., no matter
(ni) waeth
pryd cafodd ei geni whenever he / she / it was born,, no matter when he / she / it was born
(ni) waeth
pryd a ble y byddwch yn penderfynu gweithio no matter when and where you decide to work, whenever and wherever you
decide to work.
(ni) waeth
sut... (+ noun) no matter what
kind of ..., whatever kind of ...
(ni) waeth
sut waith sydd gennych no matter what kind of job you have, whatever kind of job you have
(ni) waeth sut... (+ verb) no matter how..., however...
(ni) waeth sut y byddwn yn dewis ei wneud no matter how we decide to do it, however we decide to do it
(ni) waeth sut y mae’n digwydd no matter how it happens, however it happens
(ni) waeth
faint... no matter how much, whatever quantity
Mae eich rhodd – waeth faint ydyw – wir yn gwneud gwahaniaeth! Your donation, however much it is, really does make a difference
(ni) waeth
pam... no matter why, for whatever reason
(ni) waeth pam yr ydych chi am newid eich swydd no matter why you want to change your job
(ni) waeth pa mor... no matter how (+
(ni) waeth pa mor bell no matter how far away
(ni) waeth pa mor fawr no matter how far big
(ni) waeth pa mor ddiflas no matter how far boring
(ni) waeth pa mor anhapus yw e no matter how
unhappy he is
(ni) waeth pa mor fyr no matter how short
(ni) waeth pa mor hir no matter how long
(ni) waeth pa mor amlwg no matter how obvious
nid oedd waeth faint o arian a wariwyd no matter how much money was spent
nid oedd waeth beth a ddywedwyd amdano no matter what was said about him
ond nid oedd waeth am hynny but that was not
important, but that didn’t matter
Yr oedd ei dad-cu yn hoff o esbonio yr hyn yr oedd yn cofio am y terfysg.
Ni anwyd ei dad-cu am flynyddoedd ar âl hynny, ond nid oedd waeth am hynny
His grandfather was fond of relating what he remembered of the riots. His
grandfather wasn’t born until years after, but that was not important.
wagen, wagenni ‹wa gen, wa GE ni› (feminine noun)
1 (railway)
wagon = open railway truck
wagen wedi rhedeg yn rhydd a runaway
wagen fforch
godi ‹wâ-gen
forkh gô-di› feminine noun
PLURAL wagenni
fforch godi ‹wa-ge-ni forkh gô-di›
fork-lift truck
ETYMOLOGY: "Waggon (of) fork (of) lifting" (wagen = waggon) + (fforch
= fork) + soft mutation + (codi to
lift, to raise)
wagen wartheg,
wagenni gwartheg ‹wa gen WAR theg, wa GE ni
GWAR theg› (feminine noun)
1 (railway)
cattle wagon
wahân ‹wa- haan› masculine noun
soft-mutated form of gwahân =
ar wahän (·adverb/ separate,
wahaner ‹wa- haa-ner› verb
soft-mutated form of gwahaner = may it
be divided
hyd oni wahaner ni gan angau till
death do us part
wahanfa ‹wa- han -va› feminine
soft-mutated form of gwahanfa =
separation, divide
Y Wahanfa Fawr
‹ə wa-han-va
the Great Divide, the Continental Divide – in North America, the watershed of
the Rocky Mountains
ETYMOLOGY: (y = definite article) +
soft mutation + (gwahanfa = place of
division) + soft mutaiton + (mawr =
waitsetler ‹wait-set-ler› masculine
PLURAL waitsetlers
insulting name given to rich outsiders (generally English people) who move into
the remaining Welsh parts of Wales and show contempt for the native population,
in the manner of the English colonists who settled in Africa and ruled over the
native populations
(Etholiadau Ewrop) Pwy ffwc yw'r holl
bobl (yng Nghymru) sydd wedi bod yn pleidleisio i'r Cwd Moel Asgell Dde Wiliam
Hague... ac i ffasgwyr yr UKIP yng Nghymru? Mae'n amlwg fod y White Settlers
wedi codi o'u hogofau a bod na wrthryfel yn y gwynt (Colofn Lythyrau Dic
Sais, Mawrth 15 Mehefin 1999)
(European Elections) Who the fuck are all those people (in Wales) who have
voted for the right-wing bald scrotum William Hague... and for the fascists of
the United Kingdom Independence Party? It is clear that the white settlers have
emerged from their caves and that there is rebellion in the air
ETYMOLOGY: English white settler
(‘white-skinned colonist”)
wal ‹wal › feminine noun
PLURAL waliau
‹wal-ye› and welydd ‹we-lidh›
wal cynnal pwysau load-bearing wall
wal frics brick wall
wal gerrig stone wall
wal geudod cavity wall
wal gydrannol party wall
wal gynnal retaining wall
wal lechi slate wall
wal rannu party wall; dividing wall
wal solet solid wall
torri (wal) i lawr knock down, flatten (a wall)
chwalu (wal) knock down, flatten,
smash open (a wall)
bylchu (wal) knock down, flatten,
smash open (a wall)
dymchwel (wal) knock down, flatten,
smash open (a wall)
Y Wal Wynt, name for a bank of
clouds which appears on the tops of the Carneddau mountain range in north-west
Wales - a sign of bad weather (“the wind wall”)
glas bach y wal blue tit (“little
blue bird of the wall”)
Mae gan welydd glustiau Walls have
ears (“there-is with walls ears”)
mor ddall â'r wal as blind as a bat
("as blind as the wall")
bod mor ddall â’r wal be as blind as a mole
(“to be as blind as the wall”)
7 wal wen white wall
See Wal-wen
ETYMOLOGY: English wall < Old
English < Latin vallum (=
palisade) < valla (= stake)
waled, waledi <WAA-led, wa-LEE-di> [ˡwa·lɛd,
wale·dɪ] (feminine noun)
waled ledr, PLURAL waledi lledr leather
llond waled o arian a wallet full of money
Wales ‹WEILZ›
1 The English name for Cymru.
Both the English and the Welsh names for the
country are in fact ethnonyms (an ethnonym is a name given
to an ethnic group).
Wales is an ethnonym which is an exonym (the name is not used
by the ethnic group itself – that is, was not when the Welsh people had not
been anglicised). Wales is from an Old English form meaning “strangers”,
i.e. “the people who are different to us”, and apparently was used when
referring to peoples of the Roman Empire by certain Germanic peoples.
Cymru is a geonym (name which denotes a place) which was
created by respelling an autonym (the name which the ethnic group uses for
itself). The autonym for the people of British descent is Cymry
(“compatriots”, “people of the same land”).
Since in Welsh u and y have the same pronunciation, at least
in modern Welsh, it was found convenient to indicate the country using Cymru
and the people retaining the spelling
The names are used differently - Cymru is not usually used with the
definite article, though in some instances it can be. Since it is a feminine
noun, as are the names of most countries in Welsh, there is soft mutation after
the definite article –
Y Gymru sydd ohoni present-day Wales (“the
Wales which-is of-it”).
Y Gymru Gymraeg the Welsh-speaking population of Wales
Cymry is generally used with the definite article, but there is
no soft mutation, as it is a plural masculine noun
Y Cymry - the Welshmen, the Welsh people, the Welsh.
The statement above that “Wales is an ethnonym which is an exonym
(the name is not used by the ethnic group itself)” needs to be qualified.
Because a very recent phenomenon in the history of Wales is that as a result of
long-standing English interference in Welsh affairs the majority of Welsh
people cannot at the present time speak their own language, there is the
singular situation that only a minority of the population speak Welsh and so
use the self-designation to describe themselves, whereas the majority,
English-speaking, use the term that their foreign neighbours have applied to
them to describe themselves - the “Welsh”.
2 Wales a village in Wisconsin
(delwedd 7521b) (dydd Mercher, 3 Medi 2008) Wales, Wisconsin
(delwedd 7519) (dydd Mercher, 3 Medi 2008) Yr hen orsaf / the old railroad
(delwedd 7520) (dydd Mercher, 3 Medi 2008)
(The wording of an information panel in the village of Wales, Wisconsin.)
Wales. Attracted by rolling hills so reminiscent of their native land, John
Hughes and his family became the first Welsh settlers to the area in 1840.
Within two years, the flow of immigrants had emlarged the Welsh population to
100. The area was dotted with farm names such as Caemadoc, Bronyberllan and
Bryn Mawr.
The Welsh language, culture and religion were preserved by the Calvinistic
Methodist churches which served as social, educational and spiritual centers.
Welsh poetry and song could be heard at Cyfarod [sic. This should read
Cyfarfod] Llenyddols (literary meetings) and Gymanfa Ganus [sic. This
should read Cymanfa Ganus] (songfests) held at the churches. Congregations
included Jerusalem, Bethesda, Tabernacle, and Zion, (the first to organize in
On February 1, 1882, two trains of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway
made the first stops at the recently built depot, known as ‘The Wales Station’.
By the end of the same year, seven homes, a general store, and a post office
had been built on the surrounding land that formerly belonged to Mrs. Hugh
Elias. The Village of Wales was born. It was the offspring of a hearty, 40 year
old Welsh community.
In Wales today, the heart of the Welsh community still beats strongly,
outliving the railroad that brought it life over a century ago.
Wallt Eurin ‹walht ei-rin›
1 epithet, occurs in the name Gwri Wallt Eurin (“Gwri (of the) golden
hair”), the original name of Pryderi fab Pwyll in the Mabonogi (circa 1100).
The name is usually spelt as Gwri Wallt Eiryn, a variant spelling.
NOTE: (gwallt = hair) + (eurin = golden; made of gold)
In older Welsh epithets after both male and female names had soft mutation of
the initial consonant.
Thus *Gwri Gwallt Eurin > Gwri Wallt Eurin
walrws ‹wal-rʊs›
masculine noun
PLURAL walrysod
‹wal- rə-sod›
walrus Odobenus nosmarus
ETYMOLOGY: English walrus ‹wólruhs› < (in the 1600s) Dutch walrus < Scandinavian
Cf Old Norse hross-hvalr
a kind of whale (“horse-whale”). Old English had horshwæl
Modern Scandinavian languages have the elements reversed: Norwegian hvalros, (“whale-horse”) (hval = whale) + (ros = horse), and Danish valros,
Swedish vallross, Icelandic hrosshvalr
Also: German Walross (“whale-horse”)
Y Wal-wen ‹wal-WEN›
1 village SJ2076 in the county of Y Fflint, south-east of Y Maes-glas
2 village SJ1171 in the county of Y Fflint, east of Licswm
ETYMOLOGY: y wal wen “the white wall”
(y = definite article) + soft
mutation + (wal = wall) + soft
mtuation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white)
Y Wal Wynt, name for a bank of clouds which appears on the tops of the Carneddau
mountain range in north-west Wales - a sign of bad weather (“the wind wall”)
wan ‹wan› adjective
Soft mutated form (g > ZERO) of gwan
= weak
pont wan weak bridge, unsound bridge
ar awr wan in a moment of weakness,
in a moment of madness
(there is soft mutation of the first consonant of an adjective which follows a
feminine noun)
wanc ‹ wangk › f
PLURAL wanciau
‹ wangk-ye
a wank, an act of masturbation
ETYMOLOGY: English wank
wancio ‹ wangk -yo› (verb)
(verb with an object) wank (somebody)
(verb without an object) wank
ETYMOLOGY: (wanc = a wank) + (-io suffix for forming verbs)
wanciwr ‹ wangk -yur› (m)
PLURAL wancwyr
‹ wangk-wir
ETYMOLOGY: (wanc- stem of wancio wank, masturbate) + (-i-wr suffix = man)
waren ‹wa -ren› feminine noun
y waren = the rabbit warren;
soft-mutated form of gwaren (qv) (= rabbit
Ysguborywaren place in Sant-y-brid
(county of Bro Morgannwg)
(“(the) barn (of) the warren”)
NOTE: This is sometimes seen with double ‘r’ – gwarren / warren – but this is a spelling considered less correct
than gwaren / waren
warin ‹wa -rin› feminine noun
y warin = the rabbit warren;
soft-mutated form of gwarin, equivalent to waren (qv) (= rabbit warren)
Dan Warin field in Llandyfrïog, Ceredigion (dan y warin = below the warren)
NOTE: This is sometimes seen with double ‘r’ – gwarrin / warrin – but this is a spelling considered less correct
than gwarin / warin
warren ‹wa -ren› feminine noun
soft-mutated form of gwarren (=
rabbit warren).
This spelling with double ‘r’ is considered to be less correct than gwaren / waren.
yn y warren (= in the warren) (but
more correctly yn y waren)
was ‹waas›
(form of address), mate
to a dog, horse
Dere, was Here, boy (“come, lad”)
washi ‹ waa shi ›
(North Wales) < fy ºngwas i = my lad
da iawn, washi very good, my lad
ETYMOLOGY: was < ngwas i < fy ngwas i ‹v? ngwaas› = my lad, my young man
gwas = (older Welsh) boy; (modern Welsh) servant
NOTE: In the North, with a short vowel: was
‹waas› > wàs ‹was›
Also :wà, wasi, washi
washi ‹ waa shi ›
(North Wales) < fy ngwas i = my lad
Da iawn, washi Very good, my lad
wasi ‹wa -si›
1 (vocative form) mate, young man
Gad iddo, wasi Drop the subject, mate
ETYMOLOGY: wasi ‹wa-si› < ngwas i < fy ngwas i
‹v? ngwaas i› = my young man
(fy = el meu) + nasal mutation + (gwas = young man, servant) + (i
= (of) me)
wasier, wasieri
‹WA sher, wa SHE ri› (feminine noun)
1 washer
(metal disc with a hole)
Watcyn ‹WAT kin› (masculine noun)
name, 2 surname
From the English name Watkin (Wat, a fond form of Walter, and -kin, a diminutive
Also Gwatcyn in Middle Welsh, from
the assumption tht Watcyn was a soft-mutated form (G > zero), and the “g”
was “restored”.
watsh, watshus
‹WACH, WA chis› (feminine noun)
1 watch,
waun ‹wain› /wai̯n/ feminine
soft-mutated form of gwaun (=
mountain pasture, moorfield; wet high ground; wet low ground, natural pasture)
y waun = the moor, moorfield, meadow
Y Waun-gron (“the round meadow”) district in western Caer-dydd
In some place names, it is used as if it were the radical form. ‘Gwaun’ would
be expected in such structures:
(1) Waunarlwydd (= “Gwaunarlwydd”)
(= gwaun yr arglwydd – the moor of the lord) (county of Abertawe)
(2) Waunfelin (= “Gwaunfelin”)
(county of Torfaen) (gwaun y felin – the moor of the mill)
(3) Waunleision (= “Gwaunleision”)
(“(the) moor (of) Lleision”)
Name of a street in the village of Gwaunleision
by Gwauncaegurwen (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan).
(Waunleision would be the
local form, with gwaun (= meadow) regarded as a radical form; Gwaunleision is the standard form with the correct radical form gwaun)
(4) Waun Meisgyn (= “Gwaun
Meisgyn”), near Meisgyn ST0498 (county of Rhondda-Cynon-Taf) (= the moor of
Meisgyn). The English call it ‘Miskin Meadow’.
(5) Waun Treoda (= “Gwaun Treoda”)
(Caer-dydd) (= the moorfield of Treoda farm) (the district is officially
Gwauntreoda, a more standard form; there is a street here Heol Wauntreoda)
(6) Waunybwla Place in
Llantarnam (“moorfield of the bull”)
John Edmunds, Waynabulla in Lanvrechva 27 May 1813 2mths
(Mentioned in Llantarnam Burials
(7) Waun y Gilfach “(the) pasture (of) the nook / secluded spot” (county
of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) SS8488
NOTE: Pronunciation:
(1) In the North, gweun / weun (with
‹ê› and northern ‘u’),
(2) In southern Welsh ‹i› has replaced the
original ‘u’; hence in in the south-east gwain
/ wain south-west
(3) south-western Welsh gweun > gwein
/ wein
Y Waun ‹ə wain› /ə wai̯n/ feminine noun
short form of names with gwaun as a
first element eg
...(1) Gwauncaegurwen SN7011 (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
...(2) Waun-fawr (Meirionnydd)
name of various localities (some of which may be short forms of longer names no
longer in use)
...(1) SH9962 locality 1km al nord-oest de Nantglyn (county of Dinbych)
...(2) SJ9962 locality 6km north-east of Dinbych (county of Dinbych)
...(3) SJ1065 locality 6km east of Dinbych (county of Dinbych)
...(4) SJ1065 locality 1km north-east of Comins-coch (county of Powys)
...(5) SJ1065 locality 1km east of Llansanffráid ym Mechain (county of Powys)
...(6) SJ2937 locality in the
county of Wrecsam. Also: Castell-y-waun
English name: Chirk
Erddigan Caer Waun caer y Waun (“(the) castle (of) Y Waun”)
A folk tune in “The Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory” (1830).
The English translation of the title is given as “The Minstrelsy of Chirk
...(7) locality in Caer-dydd; the name Y
Waun in this case is used erroneously in Welsh, since this is in fact a
translation of the English name 'the Heath', although there are native names
for this area of Caer-dydd (latterly – in the last twenty years or so, 1990
onwards, the native names seem to have been recovered)
Formerly this area was ‘The Great Heath', of which the native name was Y Mynydd Bychan (the little! heath),
and the correct Welsh name for this part of the city is Y Mynyddbychan (spelt as one word as it is a settlement name)
ETYMOLOGY: (y = definite article) +
soft mutation + (gwaun = wet land)
NOTE: Some of these names are written Waen
in English; an erroneous nineteenth-century Welsh misspelling which there is no
reason to perpetuate
Waunarlwydd <wain-AR-luidh> [wai̯n ?arl?ɪð] (feminine noun)
1 village
in the south-east
ETYMOLOGY: waun yr arglwydd "(the) moorland (of) the lord"
Y Waun Gron <ə wain GRON>
[ə ˡwai̯n ˡgr?n]
mountain in Gwynedd
field name in Caer-dydd. According to John Hobson Mathews (Mab Cernyw) in
'Cardiff Records' (1889-1911):
“WAUN-GRON, Y (the round meadow) A piece of waste land, measuring 2a. 2r. 7p.,
The name survives in Caer-dydd as a district name Waun-gron (see next entry)
ETYMOLOGY: y waun gron the round (moorland) field
(y = definite article) + soft
mutation + (gwaun = moorland field)
+ soft mutation + (cron, feminine
form of crwn = round)
NOTE: Topographic names which are not habitative names (house, farm, village,
town) are written with the elements separate. Hence Waun Gron. Compare Waun-gron
Y Waun-gron <ə wain GRON>
[ə ˡwai̯n ˡgr?n]
SS6596 locality in Abertawe, above
Pen-gelli-ddrain, and 1km south of Pontarddulais (spelt Waun Gron on the
Ordnance Survey map)
SN5902 locality in 1km south of
Pontarddulais (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan) (spelt Waungron on the
Ordnance Survey map)
3 SN5241
farm by Abergiâr, Caerfyrddin (spelt Waun-gron on the Ordnance Survey map)
4 SN1915
farm in Sir Benfro, near Trefychan, Caerfyrddin (spelt Waungron on the
Ordnance Survey map)
5 ST1477 a district and railway station in the west of Caer-dydd (spelt
Waun-gron on the Ordnance Survey map)
Gorsaf Parc Waun-gron
ETYMOLOGY: Habitative names are written as a single word – Waun-gron.
See the previous entry Waun Gron
Y Waun-lon <ə wain LON> [ə ˡwai̯n
Waun-lon street name in Y Drenewydd
yn Notais (county of Bro Morgannwg) (“happy meadow”) (spelt incorrectly as
ETYMOLOGY: y waun lon < (y
definite article) + soft mutation + (gwaun
= meadow on high ground) + soft mutation + (llon = happy)
Y Waun Lwyd <ə wain LUID>
[ə ˡwai̯n ˡl??d]
Waun-lwyd the grey moorland field,
farm 4km south of Crymych SN1833 (county of Penfro)
2 SO1706 village south of Glynebwy / Ebbw Vale
In street names
“Waun Lwyd Terrace” Nant-y-moel (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
In Welsh this would be simply Waun-lwyd,
or “Rhestr y Waun Lwyd”
ETYMOLOGY: y waun lwyd “the grey moorland field”
(y definite article) + soft mutation
+ (gwaun = meadow on high ground) +
soft mutation + (llwyd = grey)
Waun y Bala <wain ə BAA-la> [ˡwai̯n ə ˡb??la]
1 moorland near Y Bala
Yr ardal gyntaf y deuir iddi wrth fyned o’r Bala i Ffestinog neu Drawsfynydd
ar hyd yr hen ffordd ydyw cymydogaeth Talybont. Trwy gymeryd y ffordd newydd yr
ydym yn cerdded y terfyn rhyngddi ag ardal Cwmtirmynach, ond ä yr hen ffordd
trwy ganol yr ardal hon. Dyma ran isaf Waen y Bala. Gelwir y rhan uchaf o’r
Waen hon, o afon Aberbleddyn i odre mynydd Nodol yr Arenig, yn ardal
Llidiardau, a gelwir y rhan isaf yn ardal Talybont. Hanes Methodistiaeth
Dwyrain Meirionnydd / Y Parch William Williams, Glyndyfrdwy, 1902
The first area you come to when going from Y Bala to Ffestinog or Trawsfynydd
along the old road is the neighbourhood of Tal-y-bont. By taking the new road
we are walking the boundary between it and the area of Cwmtirmynach, but the
old road goes through the middle of this district. This is the lower part of
Waun y Bala (“(the) moor (of) y Bala”). The upper part of this moor, from the
Aberbleddyn river to the bottom of Nodol mountain in the Arenig, is called the
Llidiardau area, and the bottom part the Tal-y-bont area..
Llidiardau SH8738
Wcreineg ‹u KREI neg› (feminine noun, adjective)
1 Ukrainian
Weblai ‹we -blai, -ble›
(SO4051) (English name: Weobley /ˈwɛbli/) village in England near the Welsh border 16km north-west of the English
city of Hereford (Henffordd in Welsh), and 8km south-east of the English
village of Kington (Ceintun in Welsh)
pentre Weblai / Weobley village
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically
representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great
Britain and Ireland…”)
ETYMOLOGY: From the English name. In the Domesday
Book of 1086 as 'Wibelai'. Apparently “Wibba’s clearing / glade”, from an Old
English personal name Wibba and leah, a glade or clearing in a wood.
wech ‹ weekh › /we:x/ m
hi + bod wedi wech ar (rywun) have had
one's chips, be finished, be all over (for somebody)
Mae hi wedi wech arno fe, His number
is up, He's doomed, He’s done for; (literally: ‹the›
six o’¡ clock ‹hooter› has sounded on him / to
his disadvantage”). A miner arriving at work afer six o’c clock in the morning
would not be allowed into the mine, and would have lost work for that day
ETYMOLOGY: south-eastern form of chwech =
In the south initial chw- > hw-.
In the south-east it is further reduced to h-
wedi ‹WEE di› (preposition)
1 after
wedi mynd after going; gone
wedyn ‹WEE din› (adverb)
1 afterwards
byth wedyn never again, ever again
Weles i moni byth wedyn I never saw
her again
wegin ‹WE· gin› feminine noun?
PLURAL weginz
1 (railway) wagon
From English dialect WEGGIN (= wagon)
weirglodd <WEIR-glodh> [ˡwəɪrglɔð] (f)
1 soft-mutated form of
gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
Y Weirglodd-ddu ‹ə
WEIR glodh DHII›
1 SH8440
farm by Llyn Celyn, Gwynedd
ETYMOLOGY: “the black hay meadow”
(y definite article = the) + soft mutation + (gweirglodd =
hay meadow) + soft mutation + (du = black)
weirlod <WEIR-lod> [ˡwəɪrlɔd]
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gweirlod, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
weithian ‹WEITH
1 (literary) now
Deuteronium 5:25 Weithian gan hynny paham y byddwn feirw? oblegid y tân mawr
hwn a’n difa ni: canys os nyni a chwanegwn glywed llais yr ARGLWYDD ein Duw
mwyach, marw a wnawn.
ETYMOLOGY: weithian < weithion < y weithon < y weith hon (=
this time)
(in modern Welsh, these elements would be y waith hon)
(gweith, older form of gwaith = occasion) + soft mutation + (hon, feminine form of hwn = this) > gwaith hon
(y = definite article) + soft mutation + (gweith hon) > y weith hon
cf rwan (= now) < yr awran < yr awron < yr awr hon
(= this hour)
weithiau ‹WEITH-yai, -ye› (adverb)
1 sometimes
Weithiau fel hyn, weithiau fel arall Sometimes
like this, and sometimes differently
ETYMOLOGY: gweithiau (= occasions), plural form of gwaith (=
The soft mutation gweithiau > weithiau indicates its use as an adverb
wej ‹wej› feminine noun
PLURAL wejys ‹we
1 wedge
Also wejen with the (diminutive) suffix -en
ETYMOLOGY: English wedge <
Old English wecg
Related to Norwegian vegg (= wall)
wejen ‹we -jen› feminine noun
PLURAL wejys, wejens ‹we –jis, we-jens›
1 (South Wales) girlfriend; fiancée
O’s da fe wejen? Has he got a girlfriend?
ETYMOLOGY: wejen < *wetshen
< *wentshen
(wentsh = English wench = girl ) +
(-en suffix added to a noun taken from another language to Cymricise it)
English wench is from Old English wencel
(= child), related to Old English wancol /ˈwɑn.kol/, [ˈwɑŋ.kol] (= weak; unstable, tottering):
Modern English (northern) wankle (= weak).
NOTE: Also wajen / wajys
wejen ‹we jen› feminine noun
PLURAL wejys
‹we –jis›
1 wedge
ETYMOLOGY: (wej = wedge) + (-en
diminutive suffix added to nouns; also added to a noun taken from another
language to Cymricise it)
wel ‹WEL› (adverb)
1 well
wen ‹wen› adjective
Soft mutated form (g > ZERO) of gwen,
feminine form of gwyn (= white)
Common in place names
(In these names there is soft mutation of the first consonant of an adjective
which follows a feminine noun gwen > wen)
Yr Afon-wen <ər AA-von WEN> [ˡə?vɔn
SJ1371 Village in the county of Y Fflint, south-east of Caerwys
“(the) white river”; (afon = river) + soft mtuation + (gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white)
Y Bont Wen the white bridge
Dôl Wen white meadow
-wen ‹wen›
suffix found in given names for females
1 used to feminise male names (the
meaning white / pure / beautiful / holy / blessed is possibly incidental in
these names)
Brân (= raven) > Branwen
Dilwen - female equivalent of Dilwyn, apparently the first syllable
of dilys (= genuine, sincere) + wyn used in forming male names; or
possibly dil- from the female name Dilys (= genuine, sincere) + -wen
Eirion (dictionary word; =
brightness) > Eirionwen
Glynwen - probably from Glyn,
a pet form or short form of Glyndwr, which also occurs as an independent
Lilwen - possibly from lili (=
Lynwen - possibly from Lyn, a
pet form of Llywelyn, which also occurs as an independent name
Some female names however are maybe taken from lace names of which wen (=
white) forms a part:
Moelwen, possibly from Y Foel Wen SH0933 “the white (bare)
hilltop” in the Berwyn mountain range, west of Llangollen (county of Dinbych)
2 in names equivalent to male names,
or masculine adjectives, in -wyn
adjective bronwyn (white-breasted)
> female name Bronwen (though
this may be modelled on Branwen)
adjective ceinwyn (splendid + white,
splendidly white; splendid + beautiful) > female name Ceinwen
adjective delwyn (fair + white,
splendid and fair) > male name Delwyn
> female name Delwen
adjective eirwyn (as white as snow,
snow-white) > male name Eirwyn >
female name Eirwen
adjective eurwyn (as splendid as
gold) > male name Eurwyn >
female name Eurwen
adjective purwyn (pure + white;
brilliant white) > female name Purwen
(only use of this name found via Google is for a thoroughbred mare)
adjective tegwyn (faire + white;
splendid and fair) > male name Tegwyn
> female name Tegwen
3 added to an existing female name
Mair (= Mary), Meirwen (= holy Mary)
4 added to nouns of feminine or
masculine gender
(the meaning white / pure / beautiful / holy / blessed is possibly incidental
in these names)
blodeuyn, blodyn (m) (= flor) > blod- > Blodwen
coron (f) (= crown) > Coronwen
haf (m) = summer > Hafwen
oen (m) (= lamb) > Oenwen
ETYMOLOGY: (Eirion = man’s name) + (-wen suffix for forming female names
< gwen, feminine form of gwyn = white
Wenfro ‹WEN-vro› [ˡw?nvrɔ]
1 (“fair land, paradise”)
Street name in Abergele (county of Conwy)
ETYMOLOGY: “y wenfro” (y
definite article) + soft mutation + (gwenfro = fair land, paradise)
(In place names, the definite article is often dropped, though the mutation it
may have triggered remains)
wenog ‹WEE-nog› [ˡwe·nɔg]
1 See: wynog abundant in lambs
(Hafodwenog < Hafodwynog = summer house abundant in
werdd <WERDH> [wɛrð] adjective
1 soft-mutated form of gwerdd, feminine form of gwyrdd =
yr Ynys Werdd Ireland (“the green island”)
helygen werdd (Salix x rubra)
green-leaved willow
werddlas <WERDH-las> [ˡwɛrðlas] adjective
1 soft-mutated form of gwerddlas, feminine form of gwyrddlas
= green; blue-green, a colour between green and blue in the spectrum
yr Ynys Werdd Ireland (“the green
2 helygen
werddlas PLURAL helyg gwyrddleision
(Salix alba var. caerulea) cricket-bat willow
See: helygen las
(1) Y Werddon
<ə WER-dhon> [ə ˡwɛrðɔn] feminine noun
SJ3350 place name, Wrecsam (English name: Island Green)
y ganolfan siopa / the shopping centre
(“The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect geographically
representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great
Britain and Ireland…”)
ETYMOLOGY: “the green place”; (y =
definite article) + soft mutation + (gwerddon
= green place). See gwerddon
(2) Y Werddon <ə WER-dhon> [ə ˡwɛrðɔn] feminine noun
a colloquial form of the name Iwerddon
(= Ireland)
ETYMOLOGY: Iwerddon > Y Werddon – the vowel in the first
syllable becomes obscure, and is taken to be the definite article.
Similar examples are:
..a/ Abermo (place name) > Y Bermo,
..b/ Aberffro (place name) > Y Berffo
See the entry “y as a false definite
Y Werfa <ə WER-va> [ə ˡwɛrva] feminine noun
(1) Y Werfa name of a mansion in
Aber-nant (Abernantywenallt), Aber-dâr (English name: Werfa House), and of a
former colliery here
Twyn y Werfa hill by Y Werfa (“(the)
hill (of) Y Werfa”)
(2) Y Werfa place on the south side
of the road between Cwm-parc (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) and Blaengwynfi
(county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan), near Bwlch yr Afan and Twyn Crug yr Afan
(3) Maesywerfa farm east of
Bryncethin, county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr (“(the) field (of) the shelter”)
ETYMOLOGY: (y = definite article) +
soft mutation + (gwerfa = sheltered
place for cattle from the sun);
gwerfa < göoerfa (go = intensifying prefix) + (oerfa = cool place)
(oer = cold, cool; -fa suffix = place)
werglodd <WER-glodh> [ˡwɛrglɔð]
1 (North Wales)
soft-mutated form of gwerglodd, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
Werglodd y Maes (1776) a messuage and lands called Werglodd y mais in
the Parish of Kerry the co. of Montgomery
Calendar of Deeds and
Documents Volume 1, The Coleman Deeds, Francis Green, 1921, p. 202
werlod <WER-lod> [ˡwɛrlɔd] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwerlod, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
wermod <WER-mod> [ˡwɛrmɔd]
1 wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
2 Llwynywermod SN7733 Locality south of Llanymddyfri, county of
llwyn y wermod “(the) bush (of) the wormood,
wormwood bush” or “(the) grove (of) the wormwood, wormwood grove”.
Sometimes llwyn equates to English “bush”, in other instances to “grove, clump of trees”
(the place name Llwyncelyn is sometimes seen translated into English as
“Hollybush”; whereas Llwyn-onn, as in the folk tune of that name, is “Ash
The local form is Llwynywermwd. The standard form of the name uses standard
Welsh wermod instead
of wermwd
It is sometimes seen spelt as “Llwynywormwood”, a misspelling current in the
nineteenth century - a curious blend of Welsh and modern English. It seems that
whoever took to using this spelling in the first place knew that the element wermwd was in origin a form of English wormwood,
and so used the English spelling (though it was not pronounced as in English).
NOTE: Also wermwd, wermwod, gwermod, gwermwd, wrmwd, (south-east) wermwnt, (Mynwÿ / Monmouthshire) wermont
3 Heolywermwd One of the
five townships in the parish of Merthyrtudful
“(the) road (of) the wormwood”
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English wermod
(= wormwood) < Old English wermod < Germanic *wermôdaz.
The form wermod, and others in –od, shows that it is taken
from Middle English form wermod, whereas wermwd, and others in –wd, is from modern English wormwood [-wud].
The original name in English – wermod - makes no reference either to
worms or to wood.
The element worm- shows an alteration in English to wermod reflecting
the traditional use of the plant as a cure for intestinal worms.
The remaining part of the word has been given sense by altering it into “wood”,
to indicate it is a kind of plant.
Cf English asparagus, which was altered by some to the more
meaningful ‘sparrow grass’.
German has Wermut (= wormwood, a medicinal herb; an alcoholic drink
containing wormwood).
French has (from Germanic) vermouth (= a white wine flavoured with
wormwood, or other aromatic herbs), hence English vermouth [ˡvəəm?θ]
wermwd <WER-mud> [ˡwɛrmʊd]
1 wormwood
See wermod
wern <WERN> [wɛrn]
1 soft mutated form of gwern (= alder wood, alder grove; alder
swamp; meadow; moor)
y wern the alder swamp
2 Used in some place names as a
radical from instead of gwern
Street name Wernywylan (qv) (“Wern y Wylan”) (“(the) moor (of) the
(the expected form would be gwern yr wylan)
..a/ Llandudno, county of Conwy
..b/ Cricieth, county of Gwynedd
..c/ Cwrt Wernywylan Llanddona, Ynys Môn (“Wern y Wylan Court”)
NOTE: Other words with the soft-mutated form used as the radical:
ban / fan (= peak), e.g. Fan y Big
bron / fron (= round hill) e.g. Fron-y-gog
celli / gelli (= grove) e.g. Gelli-gaer
craig / graig (= rock) e.g. Graig y Saeson
glan / lan (= river bank; slope, hillside, hill) e.g. Lan-y-dwr
gwaun / waun (= upland meadow; meadow, moor), e.g. Waunyfedwen
Wernas-deg ‹WER-nas DEEG›
[ˡwɛrnas ˡde:g]
1 locality in Beddgelert (county of Gwynedd)
ETYMOLOGY: y wernas deg < y
wernos deg (“fair small alders”)
There are other examples in Welsh of the change o > a in final
syllables - ofn > ofon > ofan (= fear). See a
(y = definite article) + soft mutation + ( gwernos = small alders
) + soft mutation + ( teg = fair, beautiful)
Y Wern-ddofn <ə
WERN DHOO-von> [ə ˡwɛrn ˡðo?vɔn]
name of a farm 4km north-east of Crymych (county of Penfro)
ETYMOLOGY: (“(the) deep alder-marsh”)
(y = the) + soft mutation + (gwern = alder-marsh) + soft mutation +
(dofn, feminine form of dwfn = deep)
NOTE: Topographic names which are habitative names (house, farm, village, town)
are written as a single word. If the final syllable is an accented monosyllabic
word it is preceded by a hyphen. (Dwfn
/ dofn in South Wales has two
syllables, but historically, and in standard Welsh and in the spoken Welsh of the
north is a monosyllable)
Y Wernolau ‹ə wern-OO-lai, -e› [ˡ wɛrn ˡo?la?, -?]
1 hamlet SH6942 west of Pen-clawdd (Abertawe)
ETYMOLOGY: "the light alder swamp, the sunlit alder-swamp” (y = definite article) + soft mutation +
(gwern = alder swamp) + soft mutation + (golau = light, sunlit)
Y Wernos ‹ə WER-nos› [ə ˡwɛrnɔs]
1 street names
..a/ locality near Crucadarn in the district of Brycheiniog (county of Powys)
..b/ locality near Rhydaman (county of Caerfyrddin)
ETYMOLOGY: (y = definite
article) + soft mutation + ( gwernos = small alders )
Y Wernydd ‹ə WER-nidh› [ə ˡwɛrn?ð]
1 various place names (with soft mutation after the definite article)
ETYMOLOGY: “the alder swamps” (y
= definite article) + soft mutation + ( gwernydd, plural of gwern
= alder swamp)
Y Werydd ‹ə WEE-ridh› [ə ˡwe·r?ð]
1 Atlantic Ocean
..a/ Talywerydd (“Tal-y-werydd”) house name in Aber-arth (county of
Ceredigion) (in the list of members in “The Transactions of the Honourable
Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
(“(the) end (of) the Atlantic”, place facing the Atlantic)
tâl y werydd (tâl = end; front) + (y = definite article) +
(Werydd = Atlantic Ocean)
2 Y Werydd name of a street in
Aber-arth (county of Ceredigion)
ETYMOLOGY: Y Werydd is a reduced form of Iwerydd (=Atlantic
Ocean) (the vowel of the pretonic syllable has been reduced to an obscure
vowel, which was then taken to be the definite article)
Tremywerydd house name “(the) view (of) the Atlantic”, “Atlantic view”
Awelywerydd house name “(the) breeze (of) the Atlantic”, “Atlantic breeze”
Wernywylan <WERN ə WII-lan> [ˡwɛrn ə ˡwi·lan]
1 Street name
..a/ Llandudno, county of Conwy
..b/ Cricieth, county of Gwynedd
ETYMOLOGY: wern y wylan “(the)
alder swamp (of) the seagull”
(wern = alder swamp) + (y = definite article) + soft mutation + (
gwylan = seagull)
Standard Welsh would be Gwernyrwylan
gwern yr wylan
..a/ Here the soft-mutated form wern is used as if it were the radical form. This is a frequent occurrence
with some words (feminine gender, generally monosyllables - e.g. gwaun / waun = moorland, craig / graig = rock, cliff, crag, etc)
..b/ the diphthong wy [ui] has become a consonant with a following vowel wy
[wi], which has occurred colloquially in the case of other words beginning with
weunog ‹WEI-nog› [ˡwə?nɔg]
1 See: wynog abundant in lambs
(Hafodweunog < Hafodwynog summer house abundant in lambs)
wfft <UFT> [ˡft]
1 exclamation of rejection, dissatisfaction
gweiddi wfft i protest against (“shout ‘wfft’ to”)
-wg ‹uug› [u?g]
in a number of names in south-east Wales; a variant of -og (or its older form -awg)
As a territorial suffix in
..a/ Gwyn|llw^g < Gwyn|llyw|wg < Gwyn|llyw|og / Gwyn|llyw|awg
“territory of Gwynllyw” (district in the south-east, in the county of
..b/ Morgannwg (name of a former
kingdom, later a county, in the south east) < *Morgannog / *Morgannawg
“territory of Morgan”
The name is seen in the county name Bro
Morgannwg (“(the) lowland (of the kingdom of) Morgannwg”)
In Y Barri (county of Bro Morgannwg) there is a stream called Nant Talwg. The stream name is taken
from the name of a ford which was Rhy’
Talwg < Rhy’ Talog < Rhyd Halog (= dirty ford / muddy ford)
There is devoicing of d before h, and the h is lost (d + h) + (t)
Llangatwg (= Llangadog) (name of
various villages in the south-east)
Tregatwg (= Tregadog) (village in
the county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
1 This English orthographical convention representing
the sound <hw> [hw] is used to represent the characteristic pronunciation of chw- <khw> [xw] in South-west
chwech / hwech = six
In this dictionary however we use the spelling hw-
(1) It is a more logical representation of the sound (and wh- is an unnecessary
imitation of an English spelling convention)
(2) It can be seen as a mid-point between the northern and standard full form chw- <khw> [xw] and the
south-eastern form with the loss of h-
<h> [h]
(chwarae = to play (standard), chwara North-western, hware South-western, wara South-eastern)
(3) Corresponding words in Cornish, the sister language of Welsh, also have hw-
in neo-Cornish spelling
wi <UI> [ˡ?] verb
South Wales
colloquial form of yr wyf fi = I
Wi newydd weld ych brawd ar yr hewl
I've just seen your brother on the street (“I am newly seeing your brother ...)
wi <WII> [wi?] masculine noun
PLURAL wiau <WII-ai,
-e> [ˡwi·a?, -?] South Wales
egg (standard form: wy)
NOTE: in dialect writing, south-west wie
<WII-e> [ˡwi·?], south-east wia <WII-a> [ˡwi·a]
wia <WII-a> [ˡwi·a] masculine noun
South-east Wales
eggs; see wi
wicsen <WIK-sen> [ˡw?ks?n] masculine noun
PLURAL wics <WIKS> [w?ks]
roll, bun, 'wick'
gwicsen y Groglith hot-cross bun
NOTE: In the English dialect
of Llanidloes:
WIG, a three-cornered bun. (Parochial Account of Llanidloes / Edward Hamer /
Chapter X / Folk-lore. Page 289 Collections Historical and Archeological Relating to Montgomeryshire and its Borders /
wie <WII-e> [ˡwi·?]
South-west Wales
eggs; see wi
Y Wig ‹ə WIIG› [ə ˡwi?g]
1 place name, “the wood”
Noted as a place name in Llanwnnog: Weeg (Wig) c.1794
David (Hamer) (born) 1766/7… married Sarah Savage 13th February 1794 at Trefeglwys…
they lived at a property called Weeg (Wig) in Llanwnnog.
Y Wigfa ‹ə wig-va› [ə ˡw?gva]
1 place name
1/ Wigfa = y wigfa House in Trefriw (1881 Census)
2/ Wigfa = y wigfa farm in Cilybebyll, Pontardawe
ETYMOLOGY: “the wood” (y = definite
article) + soft mutation + (gwigfa =
wood, grove), from (gwig = wood) + (-fa suffix = place)
Wigfair ‹WIG-vair› [ˡw?gva?r]
1 SJ0271 House
by Dinbych, North Wales map (where spelt Wigfair)
ETYMOLOGY: The expected form would be Gwig-fair
(gwig = wood, grove) + soft mutation
+ (Mair = Mary)
In many place names with a feminine first-element, the
soft-mutated form replaces the radical form, even though it should not possible
in such a construction. It is probably through the much greater use of the
soft-mutated word in the language, since it would occur after the definite
article y, hence y wig (= the wood), and the soft-mutated form
has been taken to be the base form or radical form
NOTE: The local form is Wicwer < Wigfer < Wígfair < Wig-fáir
Wicwer < Wigfer (devoicing and consonant change f > w; and devoicing g > c)
Wigfer < Wigfair (in colloquial Welsh ae, ai, au in a final
syllable are reduced to the simple vowel e )
Wígfair < Wig-fáir (shift of stress to the first syllable; cf Llan-fáir
(church of Mary) > Llánfair > Llánfer)
wiglo <WI-glo> [ˡw?glɔ]verb
wiggle = (of woman moving body), move from side to side
wiglo'ch pen-ôl wiggle your bottom
ETYMOLOGY: English wiggle < Low
wigwam <WIG-wam> [ˡw?gwam]masculine noun
PLURAL wigwamiaid
-yed> [w?g?wamja?d, -j?d]
wigwam, formerly a shelter made of skins of certain native American peoples
wigwam = child's wigwam, for play
ETYMOLOGY: English wigwam < the
eastern native American languages Abnaki and Massachuset wîkwâm "their abode"
Wil <WIL> [w?l] (masculine noun)
1 name;
Will (William)
Wiliam <WIL-yam> [ˡw?ljam] (masculine noun)
1 name;
Wiliwch am y Gwr
Drwg a mae e'n siwr o ddod
am ? guur DRUUG a mai en SHUUR o DHOOD> [ˡw?lj?x am ?
gu?r ?dru?g a ma? ?n ??u?r ɔ ?ðo?d]
South Wales
Talk of the Devil and he appears
ETYMOLOGY: (wiliwch < chwedleuwch = speak, imperative form) +
(am = of, about) + (y Gwr Drwg, the Bad Man, that is, the
Devil) + (a mae e, colloquial form
of ac mae ef = and he is) + (yn = linking particle) + (siwr = sure, certain) + (o = of) + soft mutation + (dod = to come)
Wilym ‹WI-lim› [ˡw?l?m]
1 occurs in certain place names – the soft mutation Gwilym > Wilym.
The soft mutation of proper names is no longer occurs in modern Welsh, but
formerly it had a genitive function – usually after feminine nouns, and rarely
after masculine nouns.
(delwedd 7296)
..a/ Rhydwilym (SN1124) locality in the county of Caerfyrddin at
(“(the) ford (of) William”) (rhyd = feminine noun)
..b/ Stad Pontwilym (“Pontwillim Estate”), Aberhonddu (county of Powys)
(“(the) bridge (of) William”) (pont = feminine noun)
..c/ Craigwilym place name in Pen-tyrch (county of Caer-dydd) - name of
a tenenment in the year 1666
(“(the) rock (of) William”) (craig = feminine noun)
winc <WINK> [w??k] (f)
PLURAL: winciau <WINK-yai, -ye> [ˡw??kja?, -?]
wink = the closing and opening of an eye quickly as a sign - that one is
sharing a secret or a joke, or that there is sexual attraction, etc
rhoi winc fawr ar give (someone) a
big wink - (for example, as a sign that a joke is being played at the expense
of a third person) ('give a big wink on someone')
wink = least amount of sleep
Chysgais i'r un winc y noson honno
I didn't sleep a wink that night ('I didn't sleep the one wink that night')
ETYMOLOGY: English wink, from Old English wincian (= to wink).
Related word: German winken (= to wave), der Wink (= a wave of
the arm, a wink, a nod of the head)
winc <WINK-yo> [ˡw??kj?] (v)
to wink = close and open an eye quickly as a sign - that one is sharing a
secret or a joke, or that there is sexual attraction, etc
wincio ar wink at
Cododd Siôn ei lygaid ac wincio arno Siôn looked up (“raised his eyes”) and
winked at him
ETYMOLOGY: English wink, from Old English wincian (= to wink).
winsh <WINSH> [w?n?]fm
PLURAL winshys
<WIN-shis> [ˡw?n??s]
(South Wales) well
shinco winsh to sink a well
(south-east Wales)
See Winsh-fawr, Winsh-wen
ETYMOLOGY: English winch (= crank of
a well) < Old English winch- (=
(An example of synecdoche, which has various meanings, but here in its meaning
of “pars pro toto”– the name of a part is used for the whole – e.g. Holland
used in the sense of The Netherlands, or England uses in the sense
of the island of Britain, or ten head of cattle, etc)
Y Winsh-fawr
<ə winsh-VAUR> [ˡ w?n? ?va?r]› feminine noun,
1 farm and hamlet SO0206 south of
Clwydyfagwyr (county of Merthyrtudful)
Here there is “Winch Fawr Road” (which would be Heol Winsh-fawr / Heol y Winsh-fawr in Welsh) and in nearby
Heolgerrig “Winch Fawr Park” (which would be Parc Winsh-fawr / Parc y
Winsh-fawr in Welsh)
ETYMOLOGY: “y winsh fawr”
“the big well” (y = definite
article) + (winsh = well) + soft
mutation + (mawr = great, big)
Y Winsh-wen <ə winsh-WEN> [ˡ w?n? ?w?n] feminine noun,
(SS6896) village south-east of Y Trallwng (SS6996) in the county of Abertawe
ETYMOLOGY: “y winsh wen” “the white well”
(y = definite article) + (winsh = well) + soft mutation + (gwen feminine form of the adjective gwyn = white)
winwns picl <WI-nuns PI-kil> [ˡw?n?ns ?p?k?l] (plural noun)
1 pickled onions
winwnsyn, winwns
<wi-NUN-sin, WI-nuns> [w??n?ns?n, ?w?n?ns] (masculine noun)
1 onion
in the North: nionyn, PLURAL nionod ‹ni-OO-nin,
ni-OO-nod› [n??o?n?n, n??o?n?d]
wisgeren ‹wi-SKEE-ren› [w??ske·r?n]feminine noun
PLURAL wisgers
1 whisker (of a cat, mouse)
ETYMOLOGY: (wisger = whisker
< English whisker) + (-en suffix added to a noun taken from
another language to Cymricise it)
English whisker < whisk < wisk (= to sweep) <
Cf Norwegian viske (= to rub, to wipe), German wischen (= to
wisgi <WI-ski> [ˡw?sk?] (masculine noun)
whisky, whiskey
wisgi india-corn corn whiskey
ETYMOLOGY: English whisky < Lowlandic (Scottish Anglian language) whisky bea < Scottish (=
Gàidhlig) uisge beatha (=
whisky, literally “water (of) life”)
NOTE: Also chwisgi, though this is not used colloquially
witsh <WICH> [w??] feminine
PLURAL witshus
<WI-chis> [ˡw???s]
1 witch
(South-west Wales) cusanu'r witsh
(“kiss the witch”) tut, make a tutting sound (to show sorrow or sympathy)
(South-east Wales) bod yn ’itha (=
eithaf) witsh (“be quite a witch”) said of a woman who has correctly
predicted something
ETYMOLOGY: English witch < Old
English wicca
Y Wladfa <ə uLAD-va> [ə ˡwladva]
feminine noun
1 (Gwladfa Patagonia) the Welsh settlement in Patagonia (established in
creulys y Wladfa Magellan ragwort (Senecio smiithi)
wlpan, wlpanau
<UL-pan, ul-PAA-nai, -ne> [ˡ?lpan,
?l?p??na?, -?] (masculine noun)
1 wlpan,
Welsh immersion course
cwrs wlpan an Ulpan course
1 Some words in Welsh are originally
Latin forms. They are generally taken from English, and as in English the Latin
plural form –a is used.
awditoriwm, awditoria auditorium
bacteriwm, bacteria bacterium
candelabrwm, candelabra candelabra
carpogoniwm, carpogonia carpogonium
consortiwm, consortia consortium
craniwm, crania cranium
cwantwm, cwanta quantum
emporiwm, emporia emporium
fflagelwm, fflagela flagellum
ffoliwm, ffolia folium (Mathematics)
gumnasiwm, gumnasia gymnasium (=
type of secondary school)
hilwm, hila hilum (Anatomy)
mileniwm, milenia millenium
miliwm, milia milium (= nodule on
paladiwm, paladia palladium
parapodiwm, parapodia parapodium
parameciwm, paramecia paramoecium
penisiliwm, penisilia penicillium
pericóndriwm, pericóndria
planetariwm, planetaria planetarium
podiwm, podia podium
refferendwm, refferenda referendum
sbectrwm, sbectra spectrwm
sbécwlwm, sbécwla speculum
sbermogoniwm, sbermogonia
sbirilwm, sbirila spirillum
serebelwm, serebela cerebellum
sérebrwm, sérebra cerebrum
serwm, sera serum
sgrotwm, sgrota scrotum
sternwm, sterna sternum
stadiwm, stadia stadium
sumposiwm, sumposia symposium
teliwm, telia telium
BUT some words have –ymau in the
albwm, albymau album
corwm, cworymau quorum
fforwm, fforymau forum
ffwlcrwm, ffwlcrymau fulcrum
premiwm, premiymau premium
septwm, septymau septum
AND other words have either –a or –ymau in the plural::
ewffoniwm, ewffonia / ewffoniymau euphonium
rectwm, recta / rectymau rectum
trapesiwm, trapesia / trapesiymau trapezium
Wmffre ‹UM fre› (masculine noun)
1 man's
name = Humphrey
Originally Hwmffre - the older form had an inital H - so the patronymic ab
Hwmffre became ap Hwmffre > Pwmffre, anglicised as Pumphrey.
wnaeth ‹wnaith › verb
NOTE: Colloquially: naath (usually spelt na’th, nâth or nath)
1 a wnaeth who did, who made;
which did, which made. Gwnaeth = third person singular of the preterite gwneud
(= to do)
Pa beth a wnaeth ef? > Be’ naath e? What did he do? ((“it is”)
what thing that he did?”)
wnaiff ‹wnaif › verb
NOTE: Colloquially: often naiff
1 a wnaiff who will do, who
will make; which will do, which will make. Gwnaiff = third person
singular of the future of gwneud (= to do)
Pa beth a wnaiff ef? > Be’ naiff e? What will he do? ((“it
is”) what thing that he will do?”)
wnawn ‹wnaun › verb
NOTE: Colloquially: often nawn
1 a wnawn which will do, which
will make. Gwnawn = second person plural of the future of gwneud
(= to do)
Pa beth a wnawn ni? > Be’ nawn ni? What will we do? ((“it is”)
what thing that we will do?”)
Beth yn y byd ’wnawn ni? What on earth shall we do?
wnei di? ‹wnei dii› verb
1 a wnei di? will you?
Used after an imperative, as a request, or exasperated command
Gwrando, wnei di! Just listen, will you!
Rwan, Beca, ’nghariad i, gafael di'n siansi Huw bach, wnei di? Now,
Beca, darling, get hold of Huw’s jumper, will you?
Mae eisiau dwy gadair arall o'r parlwr. Cyrhaedda nhw, wnei di? We need
two more chairs from the parlour. Fetch them, will you?
Darllen o, Jên Elin, wnei di? Read it, Jên Elin, will you?
ETYMOLOGY: (a = interrogative
particle) + soft mutation + (gwnei di = you will do)
wn i ddim ‹un i DHIM› (verb)
1 I
don't know
Also reduced to: wn i’m
From: ni wn i (= I don’t know)
(ni negative particle) + soft mutation + (gwn = I know) + (i
tag pronoun = I)
+ addition of ddim (negatice particle < dim = nothing)
wnnog ‹u -nog›
1 See: wynog abundant in lambs
(Hafodwnnog = Hafodwynog summer house abundant in lambs)
worlod <WOR-lod> [ˡw?rl?d] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gworlod, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
Worlodyrawel (“Worlod yr Awel”)
House name in Llanddewi Ysgyryd SO3416 (“(the) hay meadow (of) the breeze”, breezy hay
One might expect Gworlodyrawel, with an initial G-, since there is no reason for a soft mutation of the first word.
There are however instances of gweirglodd (or its variants) in the mutated form weirglodd (or its variants) being used as a radical
form. This use of the soft-mutated form as a radical is particularly common in
place names with feminine nouns, especially monosyllables (waun < gwaun, wern
< gwern, fron < bron, etc)
Penyworlod SO3626 Farm in Herefordshire, in Dyffryn
Euas / Ewyas Valley near Capel-y-ffin,
Penyworlod : Farm in Llanfair ym Muallt
Penyworlod : Farm in Y Pandy / Llanwytherin, Y Fenni
-wr ‹ur›
1 suffix
denoting an agent - from 'gwr' = man
wrach 1 ‹wraakh›
1 soft-mutated
form of gwrach (= witch, hag)
y wrach the witch
wrach 2 ‹UU-rakh›
1 (North Wales) reduced form of hwyrach (= perhaps, maybe)
Originally this was nid hwyrach (qv) (“not later”)
..1 nid hwyrach > hwyrach
..2 hwyrach > hwrach ‹HUU-rakh› (reduction of the pretonic diphthing wy >
simple vowel w, a feature of other words in Welsh, especially gwybod (=
to know) > gwbod).
..3 hwrach > wrach ‹UU-rakh›, with
the loss of the initial h
Wrecsam ‹WREK sam›
town in the north-east
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Wrecsam the
County Borough Council of Wrecsam
(the municipal administration)
wrglod <UR-glod> [ˡ?rgl?d] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwrglod, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
wrlod <UR-lod> [ˡ?rl?d] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwrlod, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
wrlodd <UR-lodh> [ˡ?rl?ð] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwrlodd, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
Penyrwrlodd SO2239 <pen-?r-UR-lodh> [p?n ?r
Farm name
In his Topographical Dictionary of Wales, 1849, Samuel Lewis, under Llanigon
SO2139 (modern-day Powys), states:
Upon a high bank to the south-east of the church is Penyrwrlodd, now a
farmhouse, originally built in 1651, by William Watkins, an active officer in
the army of the parliament during the reign of Charles I., and one of the
principal agents of the propagators of the Gospel in South Wales
wrglo <UR-glo> [ˡ?rgl?] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwrglo, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
wrmwd <UR-mud> [ˡ?rm?d] (m)
1 Variant form of wermod (qv) (=
wrth ‹urth› (preposition)
1 by,
next to
(first person singular) by / next to / to me
(1) wrtho i ‹UR
(1) wrthon ni ‹UR tho ni› (first
person plural) by / next to / to us
(2) wrthot ti ‹UR tho ti› (second person singular) by / next to
/ to you ('thee')
(2) wrthoch chi ‹UR tho khi› (second
person plural) by / next to / to you (you all)
(3) wrtho fe / fo ‹UR tho ve / vo›
(third person masculine / next to / toe singular) by / next to / to him
(3) wrthi hi ‹UR thi hi› (third
person feminine / next to / toby / next to / toe singular) by / next to / to
(3) wrthyn nhw ‹UR thi nu› (third
person plural) by / next to / to them
ci wrth sawdl ei feistr a dog at the heel of its owner
wrth y drws ‹URTH› (phrase)
at the door
(bod) wrth eich bodd ‹urth ?kh BOODH›
(adverb) be very pleased
3 (after
certain verbs)
digio wrth get angry with
dweud wrth = say to
(North) bwrw’ch bol wrth rywun
unbosom / unburden yourself to
..1/ cefn wrth gefn back to back
tai cefn wrth gefn back to back
..2/ rudd wrth rudd cheek by jowl,
close together
..3/ ystlys wrth ystlys side by
side, cheek by jowl
Note that juxtaposition is indicated by yn
in some expressions:
wyneb yn wyneb face to face
after verbs
galw rhywbeth wrth ei enw call a
spade a spade (“call something by its name”)
by (means of suspension)
pobl oeddynt â'r cleddyf megis yn
hongian uwch eu pennau wrth edef deneu iawn
Plant y Gorthrwm / 1908 / Gwyneth Vaughan (= Anne Harriet Hughes 1852-1910)
They were people with a sword (“the sword”) as it were hanging over them on a
very thin thread
Tŷ-wrth-y-ffynnon, Y Trallwng, (by
Líbanus), Brycheiniog, Powys
y tŷ wrth y ffynnon = the house by the well
..2 wrth ‹urth› (conjunctiuon)
wrth weithio'n galed while working
wrth eich bodd
1 bod
wrth eich bodd dros... be very pleased for
Rw i wrth ’y modd drosoch chi I’m
very pleased for you, I’m thrilled for you (“I’m at my satisfaction over you”)
wrth eich
galwedigaeth ‹urth ?kh gal-we-dî-geth›
by trade
ETYMOLOGY: (wrth = by) + (eich = your) + (galwedigaeth = trade, occupation)
wrth fodd eich calon ‹urth voodh ?kh ka-lon›
1 extremely satisfying after one's own heart, exactly as desired (“at the
satisfaction of your heart”)
gwneud gwaith sydd wrth fodd ei galon do a job which is his heart’s
Dyn wrth fodd fy nghalon yw e He’s a man after my own heart, He’s
the kind of man I like
ETYMOLOGY: (wrth = at) + soft
mutation + (bodd = satisfaction) + (eich = your) + (calon
= heart)
wrth gefn ‹urth ge -ven› adverb
set by, in reserve
bod gennych ddigon wrth gefn to have
enough to live on
cadw (rhywbeth) wrth gefn keep
something in reserve
ETYMOLOGY: “in the back” (wrth = by)
+ soft mutation + (cefn = back)
wrth gwrs ‹urth KURS› (phrase)
1 of
wrthi ‹ur -thi› adverb
‘near her’ third person feminine singular of the preposition wrth
busy, in the expression bod wrthi (=
be busy, be working at it, be at it)
bod wrthi fel lladd nadroedd
sweating one’s guts out (from great effort), be at it hammer and tongs (“be at
it like killing snakes”)
Also: bod wrthi fel petai'n lladd
nadroedd, (“be at it as if he were killing snakes”)
wryw ‹u -riu› adjective
soft mutation of gwryw (= male).
This mutated form wryw is used
especially in denoting the male of species of which the reprsentative
individual is feminine
cath wryw tomcat (North Wales)
("cat + male")
colomen wryw male pigeon, cock
pigeon ("pigeon + male")
putain wryw male prostitute
wyryf ‹WI-riv› noun / adjective
see gwyryf (= virgin).
-ws ‹us› (verb)
1 archaic - survives in the Welsh of
South-east Wales - third-person preterite ending (modern standard Welsh = -odd)
"rhedodd / rhedws" ‹RHE dodh / RHE dus› = ran
-ws ‹us› suffix
in words taken which in Middle English had the final element -us (from {huus} = house; that is, as a
second element, with a short vowel, and loss of initial h).
In modern English, many of these words have been reformed, with {haus}
"house" replacing the older pronunciation with {-us}.
1/ bacws bakehouse (as in the
surname Backus, from Cumbria and Northumberland in England)
2/ betws church (the modern English
form, though not in general use, is "beadhouse" = prayer house)
3/ briws pantry ('brew-house')
Guardian 23 January 2003: “The distinctive dialect of the "Yam Yams"
spoken in towns like Wolverhampton, Sandwell, Tipton and Dudley… has an
entirely different verb "to be" which is conjugated "yam, you
am, they am"…and its own vocabulary such as… broo'us (a brewery).”
The Miller’s Tale c.1380-1400, Geoffrey Chaucer,
In al the toun nas brewhous ne taverne
That he ne visited with his solas,
In all the town there was not a single brew house nor a tavern
That he didn't visit with his mirth (he didn’t go to with his mirthful
4/ coetsiws coach house (which must
be a late word)
The Coachhoose a former building in Hawick, Scotland
5/ rheinws 'roundhouse', a lock-up,
(USA: jail) (Englandic: gaol)
6/ storws storehouse
7/ wyrcws workhouse
wsnos ‹us -nos›
North-west Wales
week; See wythnos
Mae’n well gan y band chwara ar ganol
The band prefers to play midweek
NOTE: (1) wythnos > wthnos; (reduction of the tonic vowel wy > w); (2) replacement of th
with s from the influence of the s in the following syllable (wthnos > wsnos)
wsti ‹ u -sti› adj
gwyddost ti you know, y’ know > wyddost ti > wsti, (Also reduced to a single syllable sti)
a wyddost ti do you know?
A wyddost ti beth? Do you know what?
(Question which serves to attract a listener’s attention to the utterance which
follows). Colloquially wyddost ti be, or may be reduced to wsti be, or
sti be)
wt ‹ut› (masculine
1 (South-west)
penis (colloquial form)
wtra ‹u -tra› feminine noun
PLURAL wtregydd,
wtrëydd ‹u-TREE-gidh, u-TREE-idh ›
lane (mid-Wales, especially in the former county of Trefaldwyn, now the
northern portion of Powys, and as far as Dolgellau in the contiguous portion of
the county of Gwynedd)
Tynyrwtra house on the lane east
from Llanidloes to Mynachlog (“(the) smallholding (of) the lane”)
Wtra Plas-coch Wtra Plas-coch road name in
Dolgellau (“(the) lane (of) Plas-coch”). Plas-coch is “red mansion”
Wtra’r Felin lane by the church in
Dolgellau (“(the) lane (of) the mill”)
ETYMOLOGY: dialect English outrake
(= passage for sheep)
NOTE: It seems that wtra, with final -a, is the original form of
the word.
In the north-western corner of Wales, a final –a usually replaces an original
final –e. The use of final –e (wtre)
may be the result of “final –e speakers” assuming that “final –a speakers” were
using an original final –e word in areas where this pronunciation feature is
contrasted (for example, around Dolgellau, where Dolgella / Dolgelle are local
If not, though it seems unlikely, the plural form could have influenced the
word (wtregydd causing wtra > wtre; the change of a > e
in the plural is the result of the ‹i› in the
plural suffix –ydd)
wtre ‹u -tre› feminine
form of the word wtra in the “final
e = e” zone of mid-Wales. See wtra
wwnco ‹wun -co› masculine pronoun
South-east Wales
that one over there; see hwn acw
1 in spoken Welsh, there is a
tendency for this diphthong ‹w?-› when it
occurs in a tonic syllable to be reduced to ‹u›;
some place names reduced in this way have become standard
..1/ ayddu
(to desire) > awddu > wddu
..2/ Bod ynnog
(church of Gwynnog) > Botwnnog
(village in Gwynedd)
..3/ chydu
(= to vomit) > chwdu (North), hwdu, wdu (South)
..4/ chyrnu
(= to snore, to growl) > chwrnu,
..5/ chysu
(= to sweat) > chwsu (North), hwsu, wsu (South)
..6/ chythu
(= to blow) > chwthu (North), hwthu, wthu (South)
..7/ eyllys
(= will ‹desire›; will ‹testament›)
> wyllys > wllys
..8/ gyndon
(= pasture) > gwndon > gwndwn
..9/ gynnu
(= bleach, whiten) > gwnnu
..10/ gythi
> gwthi (veins, sinews) (South)
..11/ Llan yndaf
(church of Gwyndaf) > Llanwnda
(village in Powys)
..12/ teychu
(= to fatten, to make fat; to get fat) > ty
> *t’
> twchu
..14/ tyyllwch
> t’
(= darkness) > twllwch
..15/ tyynnu
(= to shine) > t’
> twnnu
..16/ tyysu
(to lead) > *t’
> twsu
A falling diphthong = vowel ‹u› + vowel ‹i›
1 in the dialects a wy in
the (accented) penult syllable is sometimes reduced to w, especially in the South
..1/ cwympo (= to fall) > cwmpo
..2/ (Maldwyn, in Powys) cwynos (=
meal, food) > cwnos
..3/ gwydn ‹gwi-›
(= tough) > gwwyddn ‹gwui-› > gwyddyn
‹gui-› > gwddyn ‹gu-›
..4/ Hafodwynog (farm name in
Uwchygarreg (SH7693) 9km south of Machynlleth (district of Maldwyn, in the
county of Powys) = “upland farm abounding in lambs”) > Hafodwnog
..5/ hwyrach (maybe, perhaps) > wrach ‹u-rach› (North Wales)
..6/ llan y gwyryfon (church of the
virgins) > Llangwyryfon ‹lhan-gui-r?-von›
(name of a village in Ceredigion)
….a/ > Llangwyryddon (change f
> dd)
….b/ > *Llangw’ryddon / *Llangwryddon ‹lhan-gu-r?-dhon› (local name of the
….c/ > Llangw’r’ddon / Llangwrddon ‹lhan-gur-dhon› (local name of the
..7/ twymiad (= warming) > twmiad
..8/ wyneb (= face) > wmed
..9/ wythnos (= week) > wthnos, wsnoth
Some forms with w are now standard
..1/ twmpath (= hillock) < twympath < twynpath
In some cases the reduction wy < w has
occurred in a prepenult syllable
Twyn Barlwm (hill in the county of
Torfaen, = “(the) mound (on the hill called) Barlwm”. Barlwm is “bare (hill)” (bar = summit) + soft mutation + (llwm
= bare).
Twyn Barlwm has become Twm Barlwm (with the change n > m before b)
The wy ‹ui›
in monosyllables and polysyllables is often from a long ‘e’ in British (either
words from come form Common Celtic, or loans in British from Latin)
..1/ cadwyn (= chain) < British
< Latin cadêna (= chain)
..2/ cannwyll (= candle) <
British < Latin candêla (=
..3/ cwyr (= wax) < British <
Latin cêra (= wax)
..4/ dwys (= dense) < British
< Latin dênsus (= dense)
..5/ eglwys (= church) < British
< Latin ecclêsia (= church)
..6/ egwyddor (= principle) <
British < Latin âbêcêdârium (=
..7/ gwenwyn (= poison) < British
< Latin venênum (= poison)
..8/ proffwyd (= prophet) <
British < Latin profêta (=
..9/ rhwyd (= net) < British <
Latin rête (= net)
..19/ rhwyf (= oar) < British
< Latin rêma (= oar)
There are also examples of wy in
monosyllables and polysyllables possibly from a long ‘e’ in British which has
replaced an original i
..1/ paradwys (= paradise) <
British < Latin paradîsus (=
..2/ swyn (= charm) < British
< Latin signum (= sign)
..3/ synnwyr (= sense) < British
< Latin sentîre (= to feel)
Old Welsh wy, Modern Welsh e
wy > ae > e
halwyn > halaen > halen (=
maharwyn > maharaen > maharen
(= ram)
parwyd > paraed > pared (=
Final wy as English [ou] in
Cleirwy / Cleirw’ <KLEI-rui, KLEI-ru> > Clyro
<KLAI-rou> village in Powys
Mynwy / Mynw’ <M?N-ui, M?N-u> > Monnow <MO-nou> town in Mynwy county
Arwy / Arw’ <AAR-ui, AAR-u> > Arrow <A-rou> river in Powys
Probably from a Welsh form where final wy <ui>
is reduced to w <u>, a general
feature in spoken Welsh
cf ofnadwy <of-NAA-dui] (= terrible) >
spoken Welsh ofnadw’ <of-NAA-du]
y (semi consonant + vowel) <wi> > wy (diphthong) <ui> in some cases
gyddfid (= forest, wood; hedge; hedged
(gŷdd = wood, trees) + soft
mutation + (bid = hedge)
Y yfid by Betws-y-coed, i.e. with the loss of ‘dd’
y’fid <
keeps the original consonantal
By contrast, in these place names it has changed:
..a/ By Llandudno there was a township called Yr Wyddfid;
the name is to be seen in “Ysgol yr Wyddfid / Wyddfid School”,
a primary school in Llandudno
..b/ In Helygain (Sir y Fflint) there is Yr Wyddfid Ucha / Yr Wyddfid
wy (diphthong) <ui>
ibecomes y (semi consonant + vowel) <wi> in some cases
The change to y has occurred is especially evident where a name has the definite
article, as the article is y rather than yr
..a/ gwyddfa > gyddfa
Yr Wyddfa name of the highest mountain in Wales “(the
mountain of the) burial tumulus”
Moel yr Wyddfa name of the peak of the mountain (“bald hill
of Yr Wyddfa”)
Llys yr Wyddfa “(the) court (of) Yr
Wyddfa”, a street name in Y Rhyl
/ Trem y
“view of Y
”, Snowdon view.
..i/ House name.
..ii/ Street name
…….1 Penrhyndeudraeth
…….2 Pen-y-groes
…….3 Brynrefail
..b/ Gwynedd, originally the diphthong [ui], now more often pronounced as consonant w + vowel y.
..c/ wy <ui> becomes y
<wi> in South Wales (sometimes written wi to represent this regional pronunciation)
..d/ gwylan
yr wylan (the seagull) > y ylan
wy ‹ui› masculine noun
‹ui- e›
egg = reproductive body produced by females of birds, reptiles, fish, insects
and other animals
egg = hen's egg
ovum (also ofwm, plural: ofa)
wy caetsh battery egg
free-range egg: wy maes ("egg
{of the} field") or wy buarth
("egg {of the} farmyard")
moel fel wy (‘bald like an egg’)
(said of a man with a bald head) as bald as a coot
7 (South-east Wales, and Ceredigion) pilio wyau to beat about the
bush, not come straight to the point (“peeling eggs”)
heb bilo wyau going straight to the point, without beating about the
bush (“without peeling eggs”)
8 wylys aubergine
A neologism; from American eggplant (= aubergine)
(wy = egg) + soft mutation + (llys = plant)
NOTE: South Wales = wi ‹wii›,
plural: wiau / wie ‹wii-e›
-wy ‹ui ›
1 a final element in many river names, with no specific meaning (.i.e. it
is not a suffix in most cases, but an integral part of the name)
Ardudwy / Conwy / Cornwy / Daethwy / Degannwy / Donwy / Ebwy / Elwy / Mynwy
/ Silwy / Tawy (nowadays Tawe)
2 Nineteenth-century river-name
suffix: the number of river names in -wy and the river name Gwy led to
the belief of a 'primitive word' gwy meaning water. Many river names were
'corrected' in the 1800s, and the supposed suffix was 'restored’ to names which
had supposedly lost it.
Nowadays these invented forms have largely disappeared, though traces remain in
minor place names (house names and street names)
..a/ Aman (river in the county of Caerfyrddin, south-west Wales) > Amanwy
..b/ Ewenni (SS9177) (river in the county of Bro Morgannwg,
south-east Wales) > Ewynwy
..c/ Gorci / Orci > Orchwy (stream in the county of Rhondda Cynon Taf, south-east Wales)
There is a street called Heol Orchwy
in Treorci (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf)
..d/ Llyfni (county of Gwynedd, north-west Wales) SH4852 > Llyfnwy.
There is a street in Tal-y-sarn called Maesllyfnwy “Maes Llyfnwy”
(“(the) field (on the bank of the river) Llyfni”)
..e/ Llynfi (SS 8983) (river in the county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, south-east
Wales) (historically Llynfi)
> Llyfnwy
..f/ Mersi > Merswy (River Mersey, name of the river on the estuary of which
Liverpool, England is situated)
..g/ Ogwr > Ogwy
(river in the county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, south-east Wales)
There is a street called Heol Ogwy
(“Ogwy Street”) in Nant-y-moel (county of Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr)
(delwedd 7452)
One famous example with –wy is the Welsh name for the river Chubut in
Patagonia - Camwy
(cam = crooked, winding) + (-wy = water, river)
See also the entry at gwy
ETYMOLOGY: Based on the name of the river Aeron in Ceredigion.
‘the river Aeron’ (Aeron) + (suffix –wy, meaning river)
However, an interesting footnote can be added to this.
There was a tendency in the 1800s for some literati to ‘correct’ the names of
rivers by adding the suffix -wy (the soft-mutated form of gwy),
which they presumed had been part of the river name but had been worn away over
the passage of time.
Indeed, the fact that other river names end in -wy (Elwy, Conwy,
Mynwy, etc) and that one important river was actually called simply Gwy
(in English, the Wye) led them to believe that all river names had had it,
but not all had maintained it.
William Owen-Pughe’s dictionary published from 1797 onwards was to a great
extent to blame for this misconception, as he included the word gwy (said
by him to mean fluid or water, but really the product of his imagination) in
his Dictionary of Welsh and English dictionary published gradually from 1797
onwards and into the first decade of the 1800s. .
Though many river names do end in –wy, there are a variety of
explanations, depending on the particular name, and indeed it may be some kind
of suffix in some names, but it certainly does not mean ‘fluid’ or ‘water’.
In his dictionary, on page 195, under gwy, which William Owen-Pughe
marks as a masculine noun with the plural gwyon, he states that it is: A
fluid, or liquid; water. This word, and Aw, are in the composition of a great
number of terms, which relate to fluidity; and especially the names of rivers;
as Dyfrdonwy, Edwy, Efyrnwy, Llugwy, Mawddwy, Mynwy and Tredonwy.
Dyfrdonwy is his entirely fanciful correction for Dyfrdwy (Dee in
English), and Tredonwy is a mystery – at least, to me.
But since there was a general conception amongst many that there was a suffix –wy
meaning ‘fluid’, ‘water’, and hence ‘river’, it is not incorrect to say
that Aeronwy means ‘river Aeron’ (Aeron) + (suffix -wy meaning
As a genuine final element in stream or river names of more than one
syllable, it is often reduced to the simple vowel w
(this is the rule in southern colloquial Welsh at least; ofnadwy (=
awful) > ofnadw / ofnatw, morwyn (= maid) > morwn
Often this becomes English [ou] “-o, -ow”
Arwy > *Arw > Arrow
Ebwy > Ebw
wybren ‹ui -bren› feminine
PLURAL wybrennau,
wybrennydd ‹ui-bre-ne, -nidh›
Yr oedd y lleuad fel pe bai yn nofio yn
yr wybren
The moon looked as if it was (“the moon was as if”) floating in the sky
bwa'r wybren rainbow ("(the)
bow (of) the sky")
NOTE: in some dialects an initial g
is prefixed: gwybren
Yr Wyddfa <UIDH-va> [ˡ??ðva]
SH6054 mountain in Gwynedd (the highest in Wales) 1085m
English name: Snowdon (“snow hill”)
Moel yr Wyddfa – name of the peak of
this mountain
(Yr Alpau) Y mae'r mynyddoedd enfawr hyn
yn gwneud i'n Gwyddfa fach ni
edrych fel twmpath gwâdd ymron, a Bannau Brycheiniog fel cwys ar ôl yr aradr
(Seneddwr ar Dramp, Rhys J Davies, 1935)
(The Alps) These enormous mountains make our little Gwyddfa / Snowdon look
almost like a molehill, and Bannau Brycheiniog / the Brecon Beacons like a
furrow behind a plough
Gwyddfa Rhita Gawr (“the burial
mound of Rhita the Giant”) old name for the mountain
lili’r Wyddfa (Lloydia serotina)
Snowdon lily
Trên Bach yr Wyddfa (“the little
train / the narrow-gauge train of Yr Wyddfa”) Snowdon Mountain Railway
pan fo'r Wyddfa'n gaws (to indicate
that something is very unlikely to happen) when the moon is green cheese, at
the Greek calends (“when Y Wyddfa should be cheese”)
Pe bydde’r Wyddfa i gyd yn gaws / Mi
fydde’n haws cael enllyn (part of a traditional verse)
If the Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon mountain) was all cheese / It would be easier to get
3 (Tremywyddfa /
Trem y Wyddfa)
Tremyrwyddfa / Trem yr Wyddfa “view of Yr Wyddfa ”, Snowdon view.
House name.
..a/ Street name in Penrhydeudraeth
..b/ Street name in Pen-y-groes
..c/ Street name in Brynrefail
..d/ Street name in Minffordd
..e/ house name, Tal-y-sarn
(delwedd 7409)
4 Gwêlyrwyddfa “(the) view (of) Yr
Wyddfa”, Snowdon View
(gwêl = view) + (yr Wyddfa mountain name, “the grave”, Snowdon)
Street name in Porthaethwy (county of Môn)
5 Llys yr Wyddfa,
Y Rhyl “(court) view (of) Yr Wyddfa”,
Snowdon Court
ETYMOLOGY: “The tumulus". Yr Wyddfa
< y Wyddfa (originally a
consonantal ‘w’)
(y = definite article) + soft
mutation + (gwyddfa = tumulus,
burial mound)
Yr Wyddgrug <?r UIDH-grig> [ˡr???ðgr?g] (feminine noun)
1 town
in North-east Wales - 'the tumulus, the tomb'.
In English, the name 'Mold' is used instead of the native name, from an
original French form 'Mont Hault' (equivalent to modern French “Mont Haut” =
high hill)
wyddwn i ddim
i DHIM> [ˡ??ð?n? ?ð?m]verb
I didn’t know
wyddwn i ddim llai na…
I was certain that…, I felt sure that…, I was convinced that… (“I didn’’t know
less than”)
Wyddwn i ddim llai na’i fod e wedi boddi
I was sure that he’d drowned
ETYMOLOGY: wyddwn i ddim < ni wyddwn i ddim (ni = negative particle – colloquially thos negative particle is
lost) + soft mutaiton + (gwyddwn = I
knew, < gwybod = to know) + (i = I) + (ddim = not)
Wyl Eilian <uil EIL-yan> [ˡ?l ???ljan]adverb
On the feastday of Eilian, on 13 January. In the saying about the lengthening
day after the winter solstice:
Awr fawr Calan, dwy Wyl Eilian, tair Wyl
Literal translation: ‘big hour (on) (the) calend (“awr fawr y Calan”),
two (on) Eilian’s feastday, (and) three (on) Mary’s feastday’
that is, the day will have lengthened a full hour by New Year’s Day (Y Calan)
on January the first, (half an hour in the morning a half an hour in the
two hours on Eilian’s feastday (Gwyl Eilian) on January the thirteenth,
and three hours by Lady Day (Gwyl Fair) on February the second
NOTE: Wyl Eilian = on the feastday
of saint Eilian < Gwyl Eilian =
feastday of saint Eilian. In adverbial phrases there is soft mutation of the
initial consonant, hence gwyl > wyl
wylo <UI-lo> [ˡ??l?] (verb)
1 cry
wylo fel plentyn cry like a child
2 Nid gwiw wylo am yr hyn sydd ddiadfer
It’s no use crying over spilt milk
(“It is unfitting crying over what is irrecoverable“)
wylofus <ui-LOO-vis> [ˡ??lo?v?s]adjective
wailing, tearful
(willow) weeping = having drooping branches
helygen wylofus (Salix babylonica) weeping
helygen wylofus
euraidd (Salix chrysocoma) golden weeping willow
ETYMOLOGY: (wylof-, from wylofain = to weep) (-us suffix for forming adjectives)
wylys ‹UI-lis› [ˡ??l?s]masculine noun
PLURAL wylysiau
<ui-L?-shai, -she> [ˡ??l??a?,
1 aubergine
ETYMOLOGY: neologism; from American eggplant
(= aubergine) (wy = egg) + soft mutation + (llys = plant)
wyn <UIN> [ˡ?n] (plural noun)
(plural form)
See: oen <OIN> [ˡ?n] = lamb
Wyn <WIN> [w?n]
1 surname
= fair-haired, white-haired.
Older Welsh spelling: Wynn, Anglicised spelling: Wynne
-wyn <WIN> [w?n]
form of gwyn (= white, pure, good, honest, sincere) as a final element in
some compounds
croenwyn white-skinned
pobl groenwyn white people (croen = skin) + soft mutation + (gwyn = white)
2 used
as a final element in some male forenames (= white, fair, blessed)
Aelwyn (ael = brow, forehead)
Brynwyn (bryn = hill) (but also a place name (meaning?) in Pont-y-pwl, and
in Llanddewi Rhos Ceirion / Much Dewchurch)
Carwyn (car- stem of caru = to
Meirwyn (probably based on the name Meirion)
Sometimes after a place name element which is feminine:
Caerwyn (caer = fortress)
Derwyn (possibly derw oak trees, the singulative of
which is derwen oak tree)
Glanwyn (glan = seashore, riverbank) (though this is in fact probably the
adjective glân = pure)
Rhoswyn (rhos = moorland, highland) (also a street name (meaning = ?) in
Efail-wen, south of Mynydd Preseli, county of Penfro)
Rhydwyn (rhyd = ford) (unless this is the place name Rhydwyn in Ynys Môn)
In the case of a in the penultimate syllable, there is vowel affection a > e through the influence of the y
in the final syllable
Cf the adjective berwyn (= white-peaked) < barwyn (bar =
peak) + soft mutation + (gwyn = white)
Glenwyn < *glanwyn (glân = pure, good, honest, sincere) + (-wyn)
Medwyn < *madwyn (mad = good) + (-wyn)
Cerwyn < carwyn (car- = loved, root of caru = to love) + (-wyn)
There is though a Llangerwyn near Llandudno, and
as a given name it may be this saint’s name; this saint’s name might have a
different derivation to the one given above.
See -wen
wyna <UI-na> [ˡ??na] (verb sense objecte)
lamb = (ewe) give birth
Tymor wyna oedd yr adeg orau’r flwyddyn
yn ôl taid.
The lambing season was the best time of the year according to Grandad
ETYMOLOGY: (wyn = lambs) + (-a suffix for forming verbs, especially
with the sense of collecting, hunting)
Wyndraeth ‹WIN-draith› [ˡw?ndra?θ]masculine noun
1 man’s name (Professor Wyndraeth Morris-Jones, in the list of members in “The
Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion” 1961 / Part 1)
ETYMOLOGY: apparently a form with soft
mutation of Gwyndraeth “white sands” (gwyn- <?> [ˡ] < gwyn <?> [ˡ] = white) + soft mutation + (traeth =
beach, sands, sandflats);
or from a reformation of the name Gwendraeth a river in Caerfyrddin,
with gwyn / wyn (a masculine form, = white) taking the place of gwen
(a feminine form = white), to make it more suitable as a male forename,
or it could be from a locality with a place name
Y Traeth Gwyn, the white sands, for example
..a/ Y Ceinewydd SN3859, Ceredigion
..b/ near Llangoed SH6079, Ynys Môn
..c/ Portmeirion SH5837,Gwynedd
..d/ Tyddewi SM7525, Penfro
wyneb, wnynebau
<UI-neb, ui-NEE-bai, -be> [ˡ??n?b,
???ne·ba?, -?] (masculine noun)
1 face
yn wyneb haul llygad goleuni in
broad daylight (“in (the) face (of) (the) sun (in) (the) eye (of) light”)
wyneb yn wyneb <UI-neb ?n UI-neb> [ˡ??n?b ?n ???n?b] (adverb) face to face
4 torri’ch trwyn i ddial ar eich wyneb to cut off your nose to
spite your face (“cut off your nose to get-revenge on your face”) seize an opportunity
to do something which will harm your rival / adversary / enemy though it causes
yourself a great deal of harm too, if not more than that meted out to the rival
5 wyneb blwyddyn spring (“(the)
face (of) year”)
Colloquially also gwyneb blwyddyn
Bernir y bydd yma
ugeiniau o anifeiliaid wedi marw eisiau bwyd cyn gwyneb blwyddyn.
It is thought that scores of animals here will have starved to death
before spring
(Letter from G.R. Roberts, Scott County, Tennessee in November 1863; Cofiant y
Tri Brawd / E Pan Jones / 1892 / tudalen 105)
6 dal blawd wyneb put on a bold face
talwyneb façade
“front-face” (tâl = front, forehead)
+ (wyneb = face)
wynog <UI-nog> [ˡ??n?g] adjective
1 abounding in lambs
In place names
Hafodwynog “(highland) summer holding abounding in lambs”
(This element is sometimes found as -wenog / weunog / -wnnog)
..a/ Abersychan (county of Torfaen)
..b/ Caeo (county of Caeryrddin)
..c/ Castell-nedd
..d/ Llandysiliogogo (county of Ceredigion)
..e/ Llan-giwg (county of Castell-nedd ac Aberafan)
..f/ Llansanffráid (SN5167) localitat (county of Ceredigon)
..g/ Lledrod (county of Ceredigion)
..h/ Melinau (county of Penfro)
..i/ Tre-lech (county of Caeryrddin)
..j/ (farm name in Uwchygarreg (SH7693) 9km south of Machynlleth
(district of Maldwyn, in the county of Powys) = “upland farm abounding in
lambs”), on maps with the local pronunciation Hafodwnog (reduction of the diphthong wy in the tonic syllable > w)
(Noted in “HAFOD and HAFOTY in Welsh
Place-names” / Melville Richards)
Wyoming <wai-O-ming> [wa???m??]
a county in Pennsylvania, USA
According to 'We the People - an Atlas of America's Ethnic Diversity'
(Author: James Paul Allan, Year: 1988, Publishers: Macmillan), Wyoming
county in Pennsylvania (in which the town of Tunkhannok is situated) is the
county in the United States with the fifth-highest percentage of people who
state they are of Welsh ancestry (1.42%).
The others are:
..1/ Oneida county, Idaho (11.76%)
..2/ Jackson county, Ohio (2.59%)
..3/ Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania (1.72%)
..4/ Luzerne, Pennsylvania (1.63%);
The figures are based on single-ancestry replies in the 1980 census
..1 wyr <UIR> [ˡ?r] masculine noun
PLURAL wyrion
<UIR-yon> [ˡ??rj?n]
gor-wyr great-grandson
ETYMOLOGY: Welsh < British;
Related words: Irish ó < ua (= grandson; originalment
Cf Latin puer (= child; son) Greek pais, paidós (= child)
..2 wyr <UIR> [ˡ?r] verb
soft-mutated form of gwyr he / she /
it knows
ni wyr (he doesn’t know / she
doesn’t know) is colloquially wyr e ddim
/ wyr hi ddim
Wyr e ddim beth yw beth he has no
idea baout anything, he’s got no idea about what’s what
wyrcws <W?R-kus> [ˡw?rk?s] masculine noun
(History) workhouse = an institution supported by taxpayers in a parish where
paupers who were fit for work were interned and obliged to carry out unpaid
Mae'r gostyngiad yn y prisie wedi gyrru
sawl ffarmwr i'r wyrcws
The slump in prices has driven many farmers to the workhouse
ETYMOLOGY: English workhouse. In
modern English the pronunciation is {w??’khaus}, but the Welsh word supposes an
older pronunciation in English {w??rkus}. In modern English the word has been
recomposed giving the full pronunciation to the two elements "work"
and "house"
wyres <UI-res> [ˡ??r?s]feminine noun
PLURAL wyresau <ui-RE-sai,
-se> [ˡ??r?sa?, -?]1 granddaughter
ETYMOLOGY: (wyr = grandson) + (-es suffix to indicate a female)
wyrfa <W?R-va> [ˡwərva] feminine noun,
(South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwyrfa,
a colloquial form of göoerfa (= cool
place, shady place)
yr öoerfa > y wyrfa
In Rugos (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) there is a farm called Wyrfa Uchaf
In Rugos (county of Rhondda Cynon Taf) there is a farm called Y Wyrfa Uchaf SN9106 (SN 91940 06200)
y wyrfa < yr öoerfa.
wyrglodd <W?R-glodh> [ˡw?rl?ð] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwyrglodd, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
wyrion <UIR-yon> [ˡ??rj?n] (plural noun)
1 (plural
form) See: wyr <UIR> [ˡ?r] = grandson
wyrlad <WəR-lad> [ˡwərlad] (f)
1 (South Wales) soft-mutated form of gwyrlad, a variant form of gweirglodd (qv) (= hay meadow)
wyrlod <WəR-lod> [ˡwərl?d] feminine noun
soft-mutated form of gwyrlod,
south-eastern form of gweirglodd (=
..1) (y weirglodd ddu = the black meadow)
Y Wyrlod-ddu
farm north of Cefncoedycymer (county of Merthyrtudful) on the road to
..2) (pen y weirglodd = the end of the meadow)
(a) farm by Rowlstone, Herefordshire, England;
(b) farm by Yr Hengastell, by the river Mynwy north of Llanfihangel Crucornau
(county of Mynwy)
-wys <UIS> [ˡ?s] suffix
1 Powys (name of a western county) < Old Welsh (in modern
spelling) “*pawgh-wys” < British < Latin pâg-ês-es
< pâg-êns-es
(= country dwellers) < pâgus (= village).
Cf Welsh pagan < English pagan
< Church Latin pâgânus (= civilian, a person who is not a soldier of
Christ) < (country dweller, villager) < pâgus (= village)
The exact sense of Powys is possibly “inhabitants of the open country”,
since it is an area of
uplands bounded by mountains to the north, west and south
2 The suffix -wys occurs in a handful of words:
GWENT (region in the south-east)
Gwennwys (obsolete) (plural)
the people of Gwent; (singular) a person from Gwent
Gwnhwyson (obsolete) the people of Gwent
Gwenhwyseg (in use) dialect of Gwent
MÔN (island in the north-west; Anglesey)
Monwys (obsolete) the
people of Môn
Monwyson (obsolete) the people of Môn (double plural)
Monwysion (obsolete) the people of Môn (double plural)
Monwysiaid (obsolete) the people of Môn (double plural)
LLOEGR (England)
Lloegrwys (obsolete) the
people of England, the English
Brythonwys Britons, proto-Welsh
(Brython = Briton) + (-wys)
ETYMOLOGY: Old Welsh “–wys” (= Latin -ês)
< Latin –ês-es < –êns-es
Wysg <UISK> [ˡ?sk] (feminine noun)
1 river
in the south-east. Englished name – Usk
Casnewydd ar Wysg “(the) Casnewydd which is on the river Wysg”.
cas newydd < castell newydd = new castle
English name: Newport
wystrysen ‹ui-strə-sen›
PLURAL FORM wystrys ‹uis-tris›
wystrysen berlog pearl oyster
wyt ‹UIT› (verb)
you are ('thou art')
are you?
(answer) yes, you are
wyt ti? = a wyt
ti? ‹UI ti› (verb)
1 are
wyth ‹UITH› (masculine noun)
1 eight
wythfed ‹UITH ved› (adjective)
1 eighth
wythnos ‹uith nos›
PLURAL FORM wythnosau ‹uith no se›
ETYMOLOGY: 'eight nights'; (wyth
= eight) + (nos = night)
Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times / Author: Edward Anwyl / Year 1903 /
p.67: For the Celt the year began in November, so that its second half-year
commenced with the first of May. The idea to which Cæsar refers, that the Gauls
believed themselves descended from Dis, the god of the lower world, and began
the year with the night, counting their time not by days but by nights, points
in the same p. 67direction, namely that the darkness
of the earth had a greater hold on the mind than the brightness of the sky. The
Welsh terms for a week and a fortnight, wythnos (eight nights) and pythefnos
(fifteen nights) respectively confirm Cæsar’s statement.
Cf Dorset dialect (south-western England), where seven nights are equivalent to
a week: Zennit, Zennight, seven night; "This day zennit."
wythnos y glas ‹uith-nos ə glaas› feminine noun
freshers' week, the first week of a university year when stands of university
clubs and associations offer information about themselves and special social
events are organised for 'freshers' (new students).
ETYMOLOGY: ("(the) week (of) the novice / fresher") (wythnos = week) + (y = definite article) + (glas
= fresher, novice; literally "green person, inexperienced person")
wythochrog ‹uith-OKH-rog›
octagonal, eight-sided
capel wythochrog an octagonal chapel
ETYMOLOGY: “eight sided” (wyth = eight) + (ochrog = sided)
X, x ‹eks› feminine noun
ex, twenty-fourth letter of the twenty-six letter Roman alphabet
(Welsh name: ecs ‹eks›, plural ecsys, ecsiau ‹ek-sis, ek-sye›)
a, 2
b, 3
c, 4
d 5
2) (does not appear in the twenty-nine
letter Welsh alphabet)
letter (name: ecs = ex) the shape of the twenty-second letter of the Greek
alphabet, khi (khai), representing the sound ‹kh›
This letter used to represent ‘Christ’ as it is the first letter of ‘Khristos’
letter (name: ecs = ex) used to refer to something shaped like a letter x
croesffordd ar ffurf x
a crossroad shaped like a letter x
letter (name: ecs = ex) cinema classification – denotes a film unsuitable for
tystysgrif X =
X certificate
ffilm X =
X film
letter (name: ecs = ex) Person whose identity is unknown
Mr. X Mr. X
bywyd ac amserau X the life and
times of X
letter (name: ecs = ex) something unknown
Rhaid canfod beth yw'r ffactor X sydd yn
achosi y sefyllfa siomedig hon
We need to find out what the factor X is which is causing this disappointing
letter (name: ecs = ex) something identified by contrasting it with the letter
‘y’ or the letters ‘y’ and ‘z’
crómosom x, crómosom ecs x chromosome (a fertilised egg with two x chromosome
develops into a female; an x with a y becomes a male)
letter (name: ecs = ex) Roman numeral = 10)
symbol (name: croes = cross) kiss
symbol (name: croes = cross) to mark a place on a map
Mae croes y dynodi’r fan An X marks
the spot
symbol (name: croes = cross) (voting) used to indicate a choice of candidate
symbol (name: croes = cross) (exams) used to indicate an error
symbol (name: croes = cross) mark or signature of an illiterate person
symbol (name: ecs = ex) Mathematics: unknown quantity
buddsoddi x o filoedd o ewros
invest x thousand euros
symbol (name: ecs = ex) Mathematics: a variable in algebra
pelydr x, pelydr ecs = (1) x ray; (2) also x-ray = x-ray photo
(So called by W.C. Röntgen in 1895 after the algebraic symbol x, meaning an unknown quantity).
symbol (name: ecs = ex) Mathematics: echelin
x, echelin ecs x-axis,
horixontal axis of a graph
symbol (name: croes = cross) Mathematics: in multiplication
3 x 2
= 6, mae tair gwaith dau yn chwech,
mae tri dau yn gwneud chwech three
times two is six, three times two equals six, three twos are six
symbol (name: croes = cross) Mathematics: indicates dimensions
Cwpwrdd tridarn cynnar (
A three-part cupboard forty-eight inches wide and seventy-six inches high)
a A / æ Æ / e E / ɛ Ɛ / i I / o O /
u U / w W / y Y /
MACRONː ā Ā / ǣ Ǣ /
ē Ē / ɛ̄ Ɛ̄
/ ī Ī / ō Ō /
ū Ū / w̄ W̄ / ȳ Ȳ /
ī́ , Ṓ ṓ , Ū́ ū́, (w), Ȳ́ ȳ́
ī̀, Ṑ ṑ, Ū̀ ū̀, (w), Ȳ̀ ȳ̀
MACRON ISODː A̱ a̱ , E̱ e̱ , I̱ i̱ , O̱
o̱, U̱ u̱, (w), Y̱ y̱
BREFː ă Ă / ĕ Ĕ
/ ĭ Ĭ / ŏ Ŏ / ŭ Ŭ / B5236ː B5237ː
A’I PHEN I LAWRː ∀, ә, ɐ
(u+0250) httpsː //
ˈ ɑ ɑˑ
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ẅ Ẅ / ẃ Ẃ / ẁ Ẁ
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ә ʌ
ẃ ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ ẅ ẃ ẁ Ẁ ŵ
ŷ ỳ Ỳ Hungarumlautː A̋ a̋
U+1EA0 Ạ U+1EA1 ạ
U+1EB8 Ẹ U+1EB9 ẹ
U+1EE4 Ụ U+1EE5 ụ
U+1E88 Ẉ U+1E89 ẉ
U+1EF4 Ỵ U+1EF5 ỵ
aith δ δ £ g
aith δ δ £ U+2020 †
« »
wikipedia, scriptsource. org
httpsː []//ǣ
Hwngarwmlawtː A̋ a̋
aith δ δ
ʌ ag acen ddyrchafedig / ʌ
with acute accentː ʌ́
Shwa ag acen ddyrchafedig / Schwa with acute |
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